Russell Brand Gets Bull Named After Him To Celebrate Bullock Cart Ban
Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, November 1st, 2010 in Actors, Animal Issues.
What do Russell Brand and bulls have in common? Well, they’re both “handsome fellows,” according to PETA India. And both Brand and bullocks are starting a new life.
The Indian branch of the animal rights group named a bullock after the actor who’s been nominated for Sexiest Vegetarian several times.
“The gift of a namesake is also fitting because just as Russell Brand embarks on his new life as a married man, Russell the bullock has also been given a new lease on life — the heavy loads he once pulled have been lifted from his shoulders for good.”
But, wait, doesn’t Brand getting married to Katy Perry and losing his bachelor’s status mean he’ll be carrying more on his shoulders from now on? Well, at least the bulls have it better as it looks as if a ban on bullock carts for certain transportation will be issued in Mumbai.
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