Quantcast Vegetarian StarLindsay Lohan Considers PETA’s Vegan Offer To Pay For Rehab

Lindsay Lohan Considers PETA’s Vegan Offer To Pay For Rehab

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 1st, 2010 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

Lindsay Lohan is seriously considering PETA’s offer to go vegan if they help her pay for rehab.

The animal rights group had agreed to pay her $10,000 if she went vegan during rehab, and another $10,000 if she stayed vegan for the entire year, which would cover a little less than half of her tab of $53,000 at the Betty Ford Clinic.

According to Radar Online:

“Lindsay is seriously considering the offer from PETA. There is thoughtful consideration about PETA’s very generous offer. Lindsay loves animals, and looks at it as a ‘win-win’ since being a vegetarian is a healthier lifestyle that she is striving for.”

The source added that Lohan would, “love it if PETA would offer to pay her entire rehab bill. However, she isn’t expecting that to happen, and is just grateful for the offer PETA has made. Lindsay seems to have really grown up a lot since her last appearance in court last Friday. Lindsay isn’t expecting, nor does she want a free ride, which is a very good sign for her recovery. Lindsay is taking responsibility and seems to be working the 12 steps of AA.”

One has to wonder how PETA would keep track of Lohan’s diet if she did agree to the deal. Our suggestion: Give her another $25,000 if she agrees to stop wearing fur. The occasional burger may be hard to spot, but paparazzi photos always make headlines and would send her back into cruelty rehab if relapsed into an animal’s hide.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Lindsay Lohan Considers PETA’s Vegan Offer To Pay For Rehab”

  1. Tim Marshall Says:

    you are kidding right ? If Lohan becomes vegan she won’t be using fur, if she was using fur , she wouldn’t be a vegan……
    for a website with the term vegetarian in the title.. geeez.