Quantcast Vegetarian StarMax Lugavere “Rockdrive” Charity May Benefit Animal Rights Soon

Max Lugavere founded Rockdrive, a Los Angeles night of music and entertainment designed to raised awareness and money for good causes, two years ago as a way to combine his passion for music and changing the world.

Lugavere, the co-host of Current TV’s “Unseen,” is using Rockdrive on December 11th, 2010 to promote education, but hints in future years animal rights and animal welfare might be on receiving end of the music fest.

From The Laist:

“Education is one of those things that you can’t understate how important it is. I’m also really passionate about animal rights and in the future we might benefit that but this year we’re focusing on these two charities.”

This year’s Rockdrive has partnered with Causecast to benefit The Story Project and Communities in Schools. Both organizations aim to reduce the drop-out rate in high risk youth. The Story Project does this through engaging adolescents in multimedia, art and poetry. Communities in Schools, according to Lugavere, is the largest dropout prevention program in the United States.

He and Silva from Unseen are wrapping up filming for their documentary, Power, which discusses cleaner forms of energy and what people can do in their everyday lives to combat global warming, whether they eat meat or not.

In an interview with Alternative Apparel, Lugavere said the film is meant to give those with ideas about alternative forms of energy some press and to remind people the impact they have with their money.

“It’s like with food, every time you buy from the local guy raising grass-fed cattle, you don’t just support him, but you take dollars away from the conglomerates running factory farms.”

“We don’t want people to stop driving their cars, and we don’t want everyone to become vegetarians, and if you can afford to build a mansion, then yeah, go ahead and do that. But if you’ve got that kind of money, then you have the money to install solar panels on your roof.”

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