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Archive for 2010

On a recent episode of “The Tonight Show,” Janet Jackson told Jay Leno what some of her favorite vegan foods are.

Grab the map and start taking notes, because Miss Jackson has suggestions from the Midwest to California to the East Coast.

In LA, Janet likes Vegan Glory for their “great tacos and great chicken McNuggets.”

“There’s a place I go to when I’m home in New York–Red Bamboo. I love their chicken Parmesan…It tastes just like chicken but it’s all soy.”

Janet had to explain to Jay that while in Chicago, she would never eat the “Demon Dog,” hot dog.

We  understand. Seitan is devilish enough.

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Amanda Cohen Writes Dirt Candy Cookbook With Comics

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 in Books, Chefs, Food & Drink, Restaurants.

Amanda Cohen of Dirt Candy

Amanda Cohen of Dirt Candy

Amanda Cohen, chef and owner of Dirt Candy, a New York City award winning vegetable restaurant, is working on a cookbook.

The cookbook is expected to be published in 2012 by Clarkson Potter, an imprint of Crown Publishing Group.

For the book, Cohen, who appeared on an episode of Iron Chef America, collaborated with Ryan Dunlavey, artist behind comic book “Action Philosophers,”  for some comic book-like illustrations of cooking, such as with this recipe.


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Sophia Bush Going Vegan With Alicia Silverstone’s “The Kind Diet”

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 in Actresses, Books, Food & Drink.

Sophia Bush is trying to go vegan.

And she thinks she can accomplish this with the help of Alicia Silverstone‘s vegan diet, lifestyle and cookbook, The Kind Diet.

“I’m slowly trying to do the vegan thing, so I’m not really a vegan yet but I’m working on it,” Bush said. “My family is Italian (and) my whole life has consisted of great meat and great cheese. I read Alicia Silverstone’s book and I’m trying some of the recipes out.”


The Kind Diet

For someone trying to slowly ease into veganism, The Kind Diet may be the formula for success. Silverstone breaks vegans down into three types: flirts, vegans and superheroes. Flirts dabble with simple vegan recipes here and there while vegans give up animal products completely. Superheroes take health to the ultimate level, mostly scratching prepared or vegan junk food for a steady diet of whole foods.

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New York Times “Well” Blog Featuring Veg Recipes Until Thanksgiving

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 in Food & Drink, Recipes.

The New York Times. Credit: Haxorjoe on Wikimedia Commons

The New York Times. Credit: Haxorjoe on Wikimedia Commons

One of the nation’s oldest and respected newspapers, the New York Times, is dedicating its online health and wellness blog, “Well,” to vegetarian and vegan recipes for the month of November.

Until Thanksgiving, the Times Well blog will source recipes for appetizers, main courses and even desserts that are meatless, sometimes gluten-free and even vegan from its favorite food writers and chefs.


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Rich Roll

Rich Roll

At the age of 40, Rich Roll took a good look at his physique and a deeper look at his family medical history of heart problems and realized he could no longer hide behind the illusion of the fit, college swimmer he was years ago.

The ultra-distance athlete who was named “25 Fittest Guys In The World,” by Men’s Fitness Magazine found the only way to redeem himself was through a vegan diet. In interviews with Planet Green and Mind Body Green, Rich explains how he rolls on entirely plant-based meals.

From Planet Green:

“By excelling as an ultra-endurance athlete in my mid-40’s on an entirely plant-based diet, it is my hope that I can help inspire others to understand that they too have the inner power improve their wellness. Of course, not everyone is going to go entirely vegan or complete the Ultraman, but maybe they will be inspired enough to unearth those running shoes collecting dust in the closet; or think twice before ordering that steak.”


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Kim Kardashian: Unintentional Vegetarian Prefers Tofu To Meat

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 in Celebrity Tweets, Food & Drink, Reality TV.

Kim Kardashian has declared herself the “unintentional vegetarian” because she’s choosing plant products over meat.

During a Tweet, the voluptuous reality TV star revealed, “I like tofu better than chicken and beef. I think I’m an unintentional vegetarian.”

First, we have to say thank you Kim for getting the message out to over 5 million followers that tofu can and does taste great!

Second, Kim’s statement highlights an important point that going veg is simple and so many people may be almost there without trying.

As the Vegetarian Society writes to those looking to make the plunge, “you’re probably already eating many vegetarian meals such as beans on toast or jacket potato and cheese without even putting your mind to it.”


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George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver

From now until February 27th, 2011, the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan will feature an exhibit chronicling the life of what may be one of the first black champions of sustainable farming and most definitely a pioneer for inventors, farmers and conservationists of all races.

According to USA Today, George Washington Carver believed, “nature produces no waste” and neither should humans. He invented hundreds of uses for the peanut, sweet potato and soy bean, using much of what he already had, making instruments from pieces of worn equipment from other tools.

Here are a few ways in which Mr. Carver, the first black American to attend Iowa State Agricultural College, which is now Iowa State University, exemplified sustainable farming, upcycling and using local labor and resources.

Soil Conservation: When the Deep South faced eroding soil from growing cotton, Carver suggested alternative crops of peanuts and soybeans one year and then cotton the next, a method that helped restore nitrogen to the soil.


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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 in Birthdays, Female Musicians, Female Singers.

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

Photo: PR Photos

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