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Archive for 2010

Simone Reyes’ Package For Vegetarianism (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, November 19th, 2010 in Food & Drink, Reality TV, Videos.

In case you missed the recent episode of “Running Russell Simmons,” here’s the clip that was shown where Simmons’ assistant, Simone Reyes, participated in a PETA demonstration against meat earlier this summer.

Reyes, a vegan and animal rights activist, got doused in red body paint and wrapped in Saran Wrap to give a shocking view that meat in grocery stores isn’t that different from human flesh.

Tune in on Tuesdays at 9/8 C on the Oxygen Channel to see more of Reyes.

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The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Big Red Dogs
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity

Olivia Munn‘s reporting on the passing Proposition B, a new law in Missouri which passed with 52% of the “yes” vote that sets down stricter rules for puppy breeders, finds her interviewing one opponent to the new measure who compares it to Obamacare and cites humans are treated the same way as puppies in mills are all the time.

When Munn asks how, the opponent replies that humans are housed in apartments that are stacked just like crates in mills.

But, as Munn insists, most apartments don’t allow your neighbor to sh*t on your head just because he’s housed above you, something puppy mills have failed to accommodate for.

Another hilarious satire from The Daily Show.

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The Roots

Whoever said beggars can’t be choosers obviously never encountered a vegan who asked for a piece of bread with dairy-free butter.

Questlove, musician with The Roots, Tweeted about his recent experience attempting to appease a homeless man who asked for a bite to eat.

“Um Homeless w/ dietary preferences? dude outside starbucks asked for $, I got him coffee & sandwich. He says “I’m vegetarian.””

Hey, just because you’re short on change doesn’t mean you’re short on principle or taste, right? Who’s says hard times means eating food hard on your body, animals and earth?

Food pantries often stock veg-friendly shelf-stable foods like beans, legumes and pasta and sauces. Some religious groups that advocate vegetarian diets, like the Seventh Day Adventists, will often have faux meats and soy products available at food banks they run from their churches.

Tzu Chi, a food pantry located in Cedar Grove, New Jersey, only stocks vegetarian items in accordance with its earth-friendly principles of reducing planet waste and conserving the environment.


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Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone‘s 2011 collection of EcoTools, the sustainable line of cosmetic tools featuring hemp and recycled plastic materials dyed with vegetable-based ink, will contain five new cruelty-free makeup brushes and six embroidered cosmetic cases which she contributed to the designs.

During a launch event for the new EcoTools products, the actress shared with Allure what some of her favorite eco-friendly brands were.

Silverstone embellishes her lashes with Gabrielle Cosmetic ZuZu Luxe Mascara, which doesn’t contain any beeswax or parabens.

“It’s one of the most natural ones out there,” she said.

More at Allure.

Photo: PR Photos

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Ellen And Portia Treated By Activist Karen Dawn (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, November 19th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Videos.

Ellen and Portia, one of the most famous celebrity couples, will be hosted by animal rights activist Karen Dawn during her annual Thanksgiving feast in Pacific Palisades.

Already given the luxurious treatment of a hairstyling, spa and relaxing in the lounge, Ellen and Portia, named after DeGeneres and De Rossi, are two turkeys Dawn rescued from an LA slaughterhouse that will eventually live with her at her sanctuary, Gentle Barn.

“Thanksgiving has now become the most fun holiday of the year. And while yes, I do this, in part, to send some serious messages, the main message is simply: how much more fun is turkey day, when the turkeys are alive and well?” said Dawn, in this interview.

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Brian May Comforts Dying Cat Hit By Vehicle (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, November 18th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Male Musicians, Male Singers, Videos.

Queen Brian May

Queen guitarist Brian May comforted a cat during its last moments on Earth.

According to The Lancaster Guardian, May was driving when he approached the cat lying in the road. He spent about a half an hour with it, stroking it until it died.

According to one source, about 5.4 million cats are hit by cars a year, which is more than the number euthanized in shelters. Pet owners can completely prevent this tragedy by simply keeping their cats–and dogs–inside. Invest in an invisible fence if your cat is the kind to enjoy fresh air.

Below is a video in which a veterinarian demonstrates ways to protect a cat that has been hit by a vehicle until it can get proper veterinary care. This is important for stabilization reasons–any movement involving the spine could result in fatal damage.The Dr. also discusses common injuries that take place during cat-vehicle collisions. Many cats turn to face the car just before they are hit, resulting in brain trauma and altered mental status.

Aid a Cat that has Been Hit by a Car — powered by eHow.com

Photo: PR Photos

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Matt And Nat Vegetarian Lunch Policy Made Former Employee Angry

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, November 18th, 2010 in Business, Fashion, Food & Drink.

Matt & Nat Apple

Matt & Nat Apple

Matt and Nat, a vegan handbag and accessories company based in Canada, has a workplace policy on eating that mirrors its business principles. Vegetarian dining is a must on the job and when employees go out for lunches together for work related activities.

The dress policy includes no leather, suede or fur.

And these rules the company has followed for 7 years made one ex-employee angry.


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Caldwell Esselstyn

Caldwell Esselstyn

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn‘s name is synonomous with several things, depending on who you’re speaking with. He was a successful Olympic rower who helped his team take home a gold medal in the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne. He’s the author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease where he wrote about how he helped his own patients reverse atherosclerosis by following a vegan diet. Bill Clinton‘s medical advisor, father of a Texas firefighter who turned his house vegan on the job and now, Esselstyn can be officially known as lover of all unsweetened almond milk and rolled oats.

In a Q & A with Philadelphia Magazine’s Be Well Philly, Esselstyn told readers whether he prefers tofu or tempeh, kale or collards and all things a vegetarian foodie loves to read about.

Although he’d choose tofu over tempeh, he has a problem with the fat content of many soy products.

“The problem with tofu and all those soy products is that they are about 40% fat. If anything, I prefer a very, very light silken tofu occasionally.”

So Esselstyn definitely has a clear preference for vegan protein, but some of his answers sound as if he’s playing food politician and rooting for both sides.


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