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Sarah Palin Hires Vegetarian Michael Glassner As Chief Of Staff

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, February 18th, 2011 in Politicians.

Sarah Palin

The mama of moose meat munching has hired a strict vegetarian to be her right hand man in politics.

Sarah Palin has announced that Michael Glassner will serve as chief of staff, a move some say proves she’s a step closer to declaring herself a 2012 presidential candidate.

From ABC World News:

“Former colleagues describe him as a detail-oriented, fiercely loyal person who “takes great pride in flying under the radar.” They also say he is a “fitness nut” and, along with his wife, a dedicated vegetarian.”


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Sarah Palin Is A Vegetarian Inspiration

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink, Politicians, Reality TV.

Sarah Palin

She beats fish. Shoots caribou. Likes shooting wolves from the sky. Says “Bambi’s mother is dinner” and that there’s “plenty of room for all of Alaska’s animals” next to the mashed potatoes on her plate.

Man, is Sarah Palin a great inspiration to vegetarians. No, really.

In a post written at vegetarian.about.com, readers were invited to reveal the moment that made them go veg.


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Sarah Palin Quits Alaska And Santa’s Reindeer Sigh With Relief

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, January 12th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Film & TV, Politicians.

There may never be a rendition titled, “Rudolph got blown up by Sarah Palin” because the former governor of Alaska and vice-presidential candidate’s TLC show, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” has been axed.

The first episode drew a record 5 million viewers, but that success dropped quickly to 40% by the second episode.

Of course, there were animal killings and controversy.


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Worst Vegetarian News Stories Of 2010

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, December 31st, 2010 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink, Fur, Not So Vegetarian.

Lady Gaga

We gave you the best vegetarian news stories of 2010. But a lot of anti-veg events made headlines too. Here’s the best of the worst.

10. Johnny Weir ruffles fur feathers during the winter Olympics. It’s bad enough he picks a costume with rabbit fur around the collar. After being criticized, he’s says he’ll “wear fur again” and it’s all just a part of creative expression. Someone hit the ice with his head one time too many while practicing the double-dunce-klutz.

9. Sarah Palin kills caribou on TLC reality show, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska.” Someone who feeds her family potentially lead contaminated meat shouldn’t be criticizing Mrs. Obama’s initiatives to make school lunches healthier. In 2008, she gave an interview while Tom turkey got his head chopped off. In 2010, it’s Rudolph. Easter Bunny, dude, watch your back!

8. Angelina Jolie says secret beauty tip is steak. This is coming from an ex-vegan actress who was too lazy to do her research and learn to eat vegan properly, so she failed, went back to meat, and praised it for giving her that sexy “Salt” look. Would love to see what her heart looks like from all the salt in processed meats.

7. KT Tunstall is vegetarian–except for pig’s blood. Sure, some vegans will cheat and eat grandma’s butter cookies at Christmas. But KT Tunstall discussed in detail how scrumptious black pudding, a congealed “treat” made from pig’s blood, was even though she normally eats tofu and beans. “Suddenly we see” Twilight vegetarian vampire taking a whole new meaning.


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Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin is still justifying her caribou kill on her TLC show, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” by arguing she’s feeding her family with stuff’s that’s healthier than what’s in the supermarket.

During an interview with Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts, Palin explained her stance.

“We eat, therefore we hunt — and I am thankful that I get to feed my kids organic food,” Palin said.

However, studies have shown that wild game isn’t really that organic after all, and could contain dangerous levels of lead due to the way it’s killed in the wild. The Department of Natural Resources has warned against eating wild game because of this and a study conducted by British and Spanish researchers published in the journal PLos ONE found similar results.


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Sarah Palin

Aaron Sorkin, writer and producer with credits like “The West Wing” and “A Few Good Men” under his belt, wrote an editorial in the Huffington Post decrying Sarah Palin‘s caribou killing on her TLC show “Sarah Palin’s Alaska.”

Sorkin, a meat eater, said there’s a difference between killing animals for food and doing so for sport, which he accused Palin of doing. Palin has since fired back in an email to the Associated Press.

He said:

“I’m able to make a distinction between you and me without feeling the least bit hypocritical. I don’t watch snuff films and you make them. You weren’t killing that animal for food or shelter or even fashion, you were killing it for fun. You enjoy killing animals. I can make the distinction between the two of us but I’ve tried and tried and for the life of me, I can’t make a distinction between what you get paid to do and what Michael Vick went to prison for doing. I’m able to make the distinction with no pangs of hypocrisy even though I get happy every time one of you faux-macho shitheads accidentally shoots another one of you in the face.”

Read Palin’s response below.


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Sarah Palin Caribou Killing Proves Levi Johnston Right

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, December 6th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Politicians.

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin‘s ex future son-in-law said she didn’t have a clue how to use a gun and now, a recent episode of Sarah Palin’s Alaska may have proved him correct.

Animal rights activists watched in horror as a graphic hunting scene showing Palin killing a caribou was aired. Palin initially missed the animal five times before switching rifles to accomplish the fatal shot.

Before the episode aired, Palin took to Facebook and Twitter to defend her actions of killing off Rudolph around Christmas.

“Unless you’ve never worn leather shoes, sat upon a leather couch or eaten a piece of meat, save your condemnation of tonight’s episode,” she wrote. “I remain proudly intolerant of anti-hunting hypocrisy.


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Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin has angered animal rights activists after clubbing a Halibut fish she caught during her Discovery television series, Sara Palin’s Alaska.

According to the Washington Post, In Defense of Animals called the clip a “snuff film” while Alaska fishermen said it was a “humane” way to kill the animal.

Regardless of what side you take, one thing’s for sure. If Palin’s show ratings continue to drop, her televised Alaska experience will surely be clubbed from the network. Viewership dropped 40% during last week’s show.

Joseph Garner, an assistant professor of animal sciences at Purdue University, demonstrated through an experiment that fish do feel pain and respond with different behavior when they do. Like humans, morphine also appears to make them happier when faced with painful stimuli. Surely, the halibut in the video was wondering where its IV pump was during the ordeal.


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