Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, March 30th, 2010 in Celebrity Tweets, Environment-Eco-Green, Food & Drink.

Vegetarian Star on Twitter
Kim O’Donnell at Trueslant compiled some of the best vegetarian/meatless people, groups and organizations to follow on Twitter and yours truly is included as one to watch.
@vegetarianstar “Meatless news and updates with an eye on celebs and an appetite for gossip”
There are, of course, several other meatless Twitter users that are equally exciting, resourceful and important to follow.
Vegetarian Star has handpicked just a few from O’Donnel’s list you might want to consider.
@MeatlessMonday A public health education campaign in conjunction with Johns Hopkins University. Encourages a meat free day once a week for better human and environmental health.
@MeatFreeMonday A UK-based campaign, founded by Sir Paul McCartney and his daughters Stella and Mary that focuses on eating less meat for the environment.
@bryantterry Author of “Vegan Soul Kitchen,” Bryan Terry taught us to take the butter out of homemade biscuits and add plenty of greens to our diet.
@IsaChandra Vegan author Isa Chandra Moskowitz, who’s brought us books like “Vegan with a Vengeance” and “Vegan Cupcakes take over the World.” With menacing titles like these, it’s not very smart NOT to follow her.
@AliciaSilv Author of “The Kind Diet.” Actress Alicia Silverstone Tweets her thoughts, ideas, product recommendations and more.
@TheFlexitarian Can’t go veg all the way? New York chef, cooking instructor and award-winning author Peter Berley Twitters will keep you abreast on making it work the flexitarian way.
@biz Although not included on Trueslant’s list, who can forget that the co-founder of creative expression in 140 characters or less, Biz Stone, is also vegetarian.
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