Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009 in Environment-Eco-Green, Fur, Reality TV, Research + Science.
Real Housewives of New York City star Kelly Bensimon asked on Twitter why she shouldn’t wear fur.
But having a compassionate heart isn’t good enough for Bensimon, she just wants the cold, hard facts.
“Fur really gets u guys fired up. Let’s talk facts, not emotion. Tell me factually why peeps shouldn’t wear fur. I want to know, facts only.”
Well, well…if you have to be blunt.
Animals killed for fur in North America are put to sleep with carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide gas, according to the Fur Commission of USA.
But an investigation by Care for the Wild, EAST International and the Swiss Animal Protection (SAP) titled “Fun Fur? A Report on the Chinese Fur Industry” found animals were killed inhumanely by being skinned alive, still having a heartbeat and taking a breath 5-10 minutes after being skinned.
Ah, but that’s still too emotional for Kelly.
What about being totally environmentally unfriendly!
Global Action Network, an animal and environment protection agency has much to say on this issue.
Fur itself is natural, but the process to make it stable (aka lasting longer than most of your relationships) involves using formaldehyde, chromium and other chemicals the EPA states cause respiratory problems and are possible carcinogens.
And a study released by the New York state Department of Health found half of testicular cancer victims worked in the fur tanning industry.
With that said, hope Kelly is wearing a fake in this photo.
Maybe she should be spending more time with the naked, fur-free housewife Bethenny?
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