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65th Annual Theatre World Awards in New York

The fifth annual Taking Action For Animals conference is wrapping up its last day and several stars showed up for a banquet to share their vegan and animal rights experiences.

Nellie McKay talked about her recently adopted pit bulls, who apparently love to eat some vegan things, because they’ve been chewing on her shoes, which she pointed out to the audience.

Humane Society of the United States president and CEO Wayne Pacelle talked about his decision to work with convicted dog fighting ringleader and ex Atlanta Falcons football player Michael Vick.

And Ginnifer Goodwin discussed how various “moments” like pouring milk over her cereal led to her making the vegan transition.

Read more about the guest speakers and TAFA events at animalrights.about.com.

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Nellie McKay has expressed her love for junk food and the interest in manufacturing more junk food for vegans.

The singer and songwriter may have gotten her wish because Skittles has taken the gelatin out of their candies.

Weird fact: Skittles had already taken the junk out of  their trunk (a.k.a. the gelatin from their product) in other countries. What took them so long to get on board in the U.S.?

But now’s not the time for criticism. Let’s give it up for Skittles and show ’em how we appreciate them making a mainstream product veg friendly.

via vegdaily.com

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Ah, sibling rivalry.

We’re sure Emily Deschanel and her little sister, Zooey Deschanel, have nothing but love for each other as adults, but we wonder how the two got along as kids?

Were there pillowfights, accusations of boyfriend stealing, “borrowing” clothes without permission?

The two grew up to be beautiful inside and out, with successful Hollywood careers, a love for animals, and all things vegan.

So between the two sisters, who would you rather…

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Who Would You Rather Do Veggie Burger Lunch With?

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“When I got my breast cancer diagnosis [in 2004] and realized that my body was out of balance, I started to look at what it needed to be in balance: good food, whole food. I started looking at the environment around me — and I realized we need similar ingredients to make our earth bodies run. We have neglected what it takes to make the earth run. When I got involved in Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth,” I really began to educate myself.I realized I couldn’t keep walking down the path of, “I can put anything I want into my stomach, and I’m going to live forever.” That’s not going to work, nor will it for the Earth.”

—-Melissa Etheridge, on the realization that both our bodies and our planet need only the healthiest ingredients put into them.

Melissa puts the best in her body by maintaining a vegetarian diet.

via politico.com via Ecorazzi.com

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Shakira has revealed that she once tried being vegetarian after befriending some chickens she met on a farm.

It worked out for those particular chickens who didn’t get eaten. But not so much for their relatives and future descendants.

“I was living in Spain on a farm, and someone gave me four chickens,” said the Hips Don’t Lie singer.

“I named them and they became very close to me. And then I couldn’t eat them. I was like, ‘OK, if I cannot eat these chickens because they actually have names and they are my friends, I am not going to be able to eat any chicken again.’ So I became a vegetarian.”

“I lasted for one month. I tried, I really tried. Yeah, I gave it a go.”

“I didn’t last as a vegetarian – but I did not eat those chickens. I promise those chickens survived.”

Sounds like Shakira should get as excited about soy chicken as Lisa Loeb does.

via fametastic.co.uk

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Singer-songwriter Lisa Loeb recently Tweeted about a snack involving soy chicken.

Yum! Vegan asian snack! Fresh rolls. Soy chicken. Anyone else psyched? Anyone sad about it?”

We can’t think of any reason to be sad about it. Unless they were rooting for seitan chicken.

Just where can you get your soy chicken anyway? There is an abundance of veggie brands at your local natural foods stores, and even mainstream stores stock a few here and there.

Be on the lookout for these faux chickens who never lost their wings while getting to your plate.

Gardenburger: Carries a breaded faux chicken patty.

Quorn: Not made from soy, but mycoprotein. Yes, it’s a fungus. Sounds gross, but tastes good! Quorn has grilled faux chicken, faux chicken wings, faux chicken nuggets, and more!

Lightlife: Faux chicken fillets, strips, both plan and seasoned with savory flavoring or lemon pepper.

Boca: Breaded faux chicken, spicy faux chicken, nuggets, and even a “chicken on a bun with Swiss” sandwich.

Morningstar Farms: Buffalo wings, nuggets, patties, and herbed patties.

Yves: Smoked faux chicken, Thai lemongrass meatless chicken.

Don’t know about you, but we’re all chickened out!

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“I bake for other people. There’s one bakery in New York, Babycakes on the Lower East Side, that I like. It’s gluten-free and vegan – it’s so good!”

—-Zooey Deschanel, in an interview with californiachronicle.com. Zooey’s not the only celebrity to praise Erin McKenna’s bakery that serves all things sweet and vegan.

If you’d like to make the vegan goodies that Zooey loves so much at home, enter our contest to win a free copy of the cookbook containing recipes to some of the most popular items at the bakery.

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Zooey Deschanel, kid sister of BonesEmily Deschanel, is featured in the August issue of Self magazine, where she’s made a list of things to do before the end of the summer.

We’re particularly interested in a #5, #10, #12, #26. and #30, which include some delicious veg recipes.

So enjoy these last few days of summer with some vegetable soup, fruit jam, chickpeas and vegan chocolate. And tuck the recipe cards away. You’ll want to recreate these dishes to remember the good times when the foot of snow falls in January.

#5. Whip Up Some Summer Green Soup. Recipe.
#10. Eat Some Heirloom Tomatoes. “I like all the varieties,” Zooey said. “With salt.”
#12. Make Jam Out Of A Summer Fruit, Like Strawberries. Recipe.
#26. Spice Chickpeas And Roast Them In The Oven Until They Are Crunchy. Recipe.
#30. Mix Up A Vegan Chocolate Treat. Recipe.

Read Zoey’s entire summer to-do list at self.com.

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