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Roseanne Barr Prefers Nuts To Meat

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, January 7th, 2011 in Actresses, Environment-Eco-Green, Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.

Most people would agree that Roseanne Barr is pretty nutty.

She’s offering more proof of this by running her own nut farm. While promoting her latest book, Roseannarchy: Dispatches From the Nut Farm, Barr said nuts beat meat for both environmental and health reasons.

“They’re the perfect protein,” she said. “They don’t have any carbohydrates and the only fat they’ve got, which is a lot, but it’s the good kind. So it’s better than beef. No greenhouse gases. Nice nuts.”

Barr’s favorite nut is the macademia one.


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Anyone who breaks an American record for running a 24 hour race probably has good advice on nutrition. Heck, anyone who can run for 24 hours should set the new government guidelines for eating and rebuild the food pyramid.

Vegan ultra marathoner Scott Jurek is about to release a book either by the end of this year or early 2012 that may contain some indispensable advice for plant-fueled athletes like he gave to No Meat Athlete.

Number 1: Go Slowly
Like training for your first marathon, switching to a vegetarian or vegan diet that’s healthy isn’t happening in a week. “I think it’s always good to have a gradual transition; have a plan,” Jurek said. “PCRM does a great 21-Day Vegan Kickstart program and giving support along the way.”


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Kathy Freston "Veganist"

Kathy Freston "Veganist"

Kathy Freston is at it again!

The woman who’s written best selling books like Quantum Wellness Cleanse and convinced Oprah Winfrey to try a vegan diet is set to release another title in February, Veganist: Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Change The World.

What exactly is a veganist? Freston has started a blog for the book on her website, where she explains the term.

“Someone who moves toward eating a plant based diet so that they are as physically healthy as they can be, environmentally friendly, and a kind and thoughtful human being. And it’s not about being pure or strict; it’s about being informed and having fun while living according to values like kindness and thoughtfulness. Truly, I believe in progress, not perfection!”


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Hilary Swank

Hilary Swank

Hilary Swank joins Jeremy Piven in the group of fishing eating vegetarian celebrities who came down with a case of mercury poisoning.

Swank said for her role in “Million Dollar Baby,” she increased her consumption of seafood for more protein to put on weight and paid severely.

“I put on 19 pounds of muscle: I was 29, I was a vegetarian and suddenly I was eating so much fish that I got elevated mercury problems,” Swank was quoted as saying.


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The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
San Francisco’s Happy Meal Ban
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In an effort to curb a high rate of obesity among children in the San Francisco area, some sources which cite is as high as 30% among 5th graders in the city, the city handed down some guidelines to area McDonalds on how they could serve toys with Happy Meals.

Starting in December 2011, toys can only be included if the meals contain less than 600 calories, less than 640 mg of sodium and less than 35 percent of calories in the meals could come from fat (less than 10 percent from saturated fat).

Daily Show correspondent Aasif Mandvi points out that keeping toys out of Happy Meals is a bad thing, considering they are the most nutritious part of the meal. The newly named “Crappy Meals” in the video contain educational information like the Periodic Table and a plastic figure of Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius who gives sobering stats on the state of children’s health.

Yeah, pretty blah. It’s much more impressive if kids get a McCruelty Unhappy Meal featuring knife-wielding Ronald McDonald, bloodied chickens and a kaleidoscope of mutilated animals. Now, THAT’S how you solve childhood obesity.

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John Joseph Turned Off By GMOs And CODEX

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 in Authors, Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.

John Joseph. Photo: Punkhouse

John Joseph. Photo: Punkhouse

John Joseph has shared he’s no fan of GMOs.

Now, in an interview with Washington Times, the Meat is For Pussies author has a lot more to say about genetically modified foods and the Code.

The Code is not lingo for how you should be eating, but CODEX, which stands for Codex Alimentarius, a collection of standards recognized by the World Trade Organization on how food should be labeled, prepared and handled for safety reasons.

As of now, CODEX is not required, but many countries have adopted its recommendations, such as the irradiation of produce to kill e. coli, salmonella and other pathogens. Yes, it’s a potentially illness and even life saving procedure, but at what cost for future health?

Currently, foods that have been irradiated must be labeled in the United States. Here are a few of Joseph’s thoughts on food safety.

On GMOs:
“First off there just haven’t been enough studies conducted on the long term safety of the foods on the public because really it hasn’t been around all that long. What if all the crops failed after a certain amount of years?- what if after 3 generations of eating mostly GM foods we start to see irreversible problems?- these are things we just don’t know. We’re already seeing issues with GM crop failures. Also other GMO companies have come out and said that their aim is to control the food system from seed to table. I just think monopolies are never good and it’s just scary to think about anyone having a monopoly over seeds.”


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Brandy Norwood Going Vegan In 2011

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 in Female Singers, Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness, Research + Science.

Brandy Norwood

Brandy Norwood

Brandy Norwood (singer Brandy) has been rumored to be vegetarian, but according to a feature in US Magazine on celebrity New Year’s resolutions, Brandy is thinking of taking her diet a step further and give up eggs and dairy. Again.

“Just being healthier,” Brandy said. “I’m going to try to go back to being a vegan.”

Sounds as if she’s been down this path before.

If a diet change involving animal products is your New Year’s resolution, you may want to do it, excuse the pun, “cold turkey,” according to Reid Hester, director of research at Behavior Therapy Associates.


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John Salley is starring in a brand new PSA produced by the Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine that encourages a plant-based, vegan diet to prevent and treat diabetes, “Block Diabetes.”

According to Salley in the PSA, 1 out of 3 children will develop Type 2 diabetes in their lifetime.

The PCRM conducted a study, along with George Washington University and the University of Toronto with funding from the National Institutes of Health and the Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation, which found patients with Type 2 Diabetes had better improved blood sugar levels, lost more weight, and improved cholesterol levels more when they followed a vegan diet than when they followed one suggested by the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA’s) guidelines, which allows meat and dairy in certain amounts.


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