Quantcast Vegetarian StarJohn Salley “Block Diabetes” PSA For Vegan Diet (Video)

John Salley is starring in a brand new PSA produced by the Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine that encourages a plant-based, vegan diet to prevent and treat diabetes, “Block Diabetes.”

According to Salley in the PSA, 1 out of 3 children will develop Type 2 diabetes in their lifetime.

The PCRM conducted a study, along with George Washington University and the University of Toronto with funding from the National Institutes of Health and the Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation, which found patients with Type 2 Diabetes had better improved blood sugar levels, lost more weight, and improved cholesterol levels more when they followed a vegan diet than when they followed one suggested by the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA’s) guidelines, which allows meat and dairy in certain amounts.

All these were accomplished without modifying medications.

From PCRM:

“Specifically, excluding the participants who changed or reduced their medication, A1c fell 1.23 points in the vegan group, compared with 0.38 points in the ADA group. Those in the vegan group dropped an average of 6.5 kg (14.3 pounds) each, while those on the ADA diet lost about 3.1 kg (6.8 pounds). Among those who did not change lipid-lowering medications, LDL cholesterol dropped 21.2 percent in the group following the vegan diet, and 10.7 percent in the ADA group.”

“The diet appears remarkably effective, and all the side effects are good ones—especially weight loss and lower cholesterol,” said Neal D. Barnard, M.D., PCRM president, lead researcher and adjunct associate professor of medicine at George Washington University. “I hope this study will rekindle interest in using diet changes first, rather than prescription drugs.”

Conversely, studies have also found that for every serving of red meat consumed, there is a 26 percent increased risk of diabetes.

More information on a vegan diet and diabetes can be found at blockdiabetes.org.

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3 Responses to “John Salley “Block Diabetes” PSA For Vegan Diet (Video)”

  1. Lynne Gordon Says:

    I am a little amazed at the casual acceptance of diabetes as inevitable. Diabetes has been shown through numerous peer-reviewed medical studies to be a disease of our modern industrialized society, not some disease that we MUST live with or learn to ‘manage’.

    I had diabetes and within 6 months of starting The Oxygen Therapy Program my doctor took me off Avandia.

    It was just in time as Avandia has now been recalled for causing severe liver damage in hundreds of thousands of people.

    Fortunately even without the advertising dollars of the big pharmaceutical companies, oxygen therapy is catching on and more and more people are getting rid of their diabetes without dedicating their entire lives to a multitude of toxic pharmaceuticals.

    You can live without diabetes. Just do your due diligence because the answer may be right in front of you. The Oxygen Therapy Program

  2. raini mroberts Says:

    I want to be healthy..Loving this sooo much.

  3. raini mroberts Says:

    I love love love info about being healthy. Appreciate the information coming from an athelete.