Quantcast Vegetarian StarKathleen Sebelius

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
San Francisco’s Happy Meal Ban
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In an effort to curb a high rate of obesity among children in the San Francisco area, some sources which cite is as high as 30% among 5th graders in the city, the city handed down some guidelines to area McDonalds on how they could serve toys with Happy Meals.

Starting in December 2011, toys can only be included if the meals contain less than 600 calories, less than 640 mg of sodium and less than 35 percent of calories in the meals could come from fat (less than 10 percent from saturated fat).

Daily Show correspondent Aasif Mandvi points out that keeping toys out of Happy Meals is a bad thing, considering they are the most nutritious part of the meal. The newly named “Crappy Meals” in the video contain educational information like the Periodic Table and a plastic figure of Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius who gives sobering stats on the state of children’s health.

Yeah, pretty blah. It’s much more impressive if kids get a McCruelty Unhappy Meal featuring knife-wielding Ronald McDonald, bloodied chickens and a kaleidoscope of mutilated animals. Now, THAT’S how you solve childhood obesity.

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