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Ady Gil

Ady Gil

Ady Gil is a successful entrepreneur who, as a founding partner of American Hi Definition (AHD) and Sweetwater Digital, has made contributions to digital services for film and television. This year, Ady is matching Farm Sanctuary’s Adopt-A-Turkey adoptions up to $50,000. Vegetarian Star had the opportunity to conduct an exclusive interview with Ady about animal welfare, the Thanksgiving holiday and his vision for former president of the United States Bill Clinton.

How did you get involved with Farm Sanctuary and the Adopt-A-Turkey campaign?
It was my ex-girlfriend who in 1999 told me that she was adopting a turkey. She was a vegetarian, and she told me for Thanksgiving she was adopting a turkey. I didn’t know exactly what it meant then, but she told me you had to send the fee. It was $20 at the time. It was sort of symbolic, but you get a card with the picture of the turkey. The year before I ate turkey for Thanksgiving, and that year I did not. It did not make my Thanksgiving any worse. Not at all did it affect my life to not eat turkey. I adopted the turkey, and I felt proud like I saved a life, without touching it. Not always can you save a life by touching it – sometimes you can, like with an injured dog or a bird you find you might bring it to the vet, but most of the time you can’t touch the lives you save and you need an organization that can touch the lives. I see Farm Sanctuary as an avenue to save farm animals.

Recently, two large chicken producers in the U.S, Bell & Evans and Mary’s, announced they’re changing the way they slaughter chickens. Instead of electrical stunning, they’ll be using methods similar to what many in Europe and the UK do by knocking the birds out with gas first. What are your thoughts on this more “humane” way of killing and do you view changes like this as real progress for animal welfare?
I cannot put the two words together – killing and humane. I do not believe they can really coexist in one sentence. Is it less cruel? I think it is. But is it still cruel? Sure it is. Is it more humane? Sure it is. But is it humane? No. Is it better? Sure it is. But is it still evil? Yes. But it’s less evil, and so less evil is better than more evil, right? If in the last ten seconds they don’t suffer, that’s better. If they suffer their whole lives and we can give them their last ten seconds without suffering, then that’s better. Any second counts. But I do not think that killing can be humane.

Learn Ady’s wish for Bill Clinton after the jump.


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Katy Perry Russell Brand Give Up Dairy

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, November 18th, 2010 in Couples, Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.

Katy Perry and Russell Brand

Russell Brand and Katy Perry are already making important couple decisions together.

The newlyweds have embarked on a healthier diet, giving up dairy and eating a raw diet of vegetables and tofu as part of their mission to get fit by the end of the year.

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if Brand, already a vegetarian, and Perry gave up dairy for good?

Besides the cruelty to animals as dairy cows are often confined to crowded areas in factory farms and forced to give unnaturally high amounts of milk through hormones and machinery, some studies have suggested dairy doesn’t do a bovine or a human body good. The website NotMilk.com has conveniently listed some potential consequences of dairy from A-Z, with sources cited.

Like an episode of Sesame Street, let’s learn what the letters in today’s lesson stand for.

A is for alleriges: “Most formula fed infants developed symptoms of ALLERGIC rejection to cow milk proteins before one month of age. About 50-70% experienced rashes or other skin symptoms, 50-60 percent gastrointestinal symptoms, and 20-30 percent respiratory symptoms. The recommended therapy is to avoid cow’s milk.”

Epidemiological and Immunological Aspects of Cow’s Milk Protein ALLERGY and Intolerance in Infancy.” Pediatric-Allergy-Immunology, August, 1994, 5(5 Suppl.)

I is for Iron Defienciency: “Cow’s milk can cause blood loss from the intestinal tract, which over time, reduces the body’s iron stores. Blood loss may be a reaction to cow’s milk proteins.”

Journal of Pediatrics, 1990, 116


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Mark Bittman Thanksgiving Recipes

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, November 18th, 2010 in Authors, Food & Drink, Recipes.

Mark Bittman

Mark Bittman coined the phrase “vegan until 6,” because he didn’t want to give up eating meat completely, but knew given the impact animal products have on the planet and his body, he had to do something.

Although he doesn’t give hints as to whether he’ll pass on the turkey this Thanksgiving, as part of the New York Times Well blog series featuring vegetarian recipes every day from now until Thanksgiving, Bittman has offered his recipes for Black Kale and Black Olive Salad, Apple Slaw, Raw Butternut Squash Salad with Cranberry Dressing, Couscous Salad with Dried Cranberries and Pecans.

Whether you’re a vegan, vegetarian or flexitarian planning the Thanksgiving menu, there’s room for at least one of these dishes on the table.

“If at any stage of the day, at any meal you eat, you ask yourself if you can substitute a minimally processed plant food, then you’ve made the right decision,’’ Bittman said. “There’s rarely an instance where eating a fruit or vegetable or legume is a bad idea.”

Get the recipes for the good ideas at the New York Times.

Photo: PR Photos

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Vegetarian Bill Russell Receives Presidential Medal Of Freedom

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, November 18th, 2010 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink.

Bill Russell

The 2010 winners of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest award given to a civilian who’s made “an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors,” have been chosen and vegetarian and former athlete Bill Russell is one of the recipients announced by President Barack Obama.

A release from the White House received by Boston.com reads why Russell received the honor:


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Vincent Kartheiser

“Mad Men” actor Vincent Kartheiser is a model in living green in the strictest sense. When he needs to use the restroom, he must rely on the neighbor’s toilet because he doesn’t own one. He’s also a vegetarian, avoids driving and does not plan to have children. Is he a “mad man” for doing all these things?

In an interview with the Huffington Post, Kartheiser explained his car flooded, and while waiting for insurance to take care of issues, he started to take the bus and train.

“I found that it enriched my life. It actually made my life better to slow down a little bit and walk through the city and interact with people that I usually kind of speed by on the freeway.”

As for the bathroom issue, he says he eventually will get a toilet.

“My house is just a wooden box. I mean I am planning to get a toilet at some point. But for now I have to go to the neighbours. I threw it all out.”

Vincent will probably be investigating eco-friendly toilets, such as tankless systems or those that adjust the level of water with the volume of material being flushed down.

Kudos to the neighbors for letting him use theirs. Who would be willing to let this happen when your fellow vegetarian who just finished a bowl of beans, lentils and other fibrous material comes over with the “urgent” need to use your tank?

Watch the video from the Huffington Post below.


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Two former athletes. Both vegan. Both recently expressed interest in starting restaurants. Mike Tyson wants it kosher, which can easily be made vegan like him, while Eric Johnson wants to serve people the vegan McWhopper with sweet potato fries at his envisioned veg fast food chain.

Between the two, who would you rather…

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Who Would You Rather Do Veggie Burger Lunch With?

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Pamela Anderson Enjoys Her Taste Of Indian Dish Tikka Paneer

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, November 17th, 2010 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Recipes.

Pamela Anderson

During her visit to India for the reality TV show “Bigg Boss 4,” Pamela Anderson has fallen in love with Indian food, especially a dish called paneer tikka.

“The food here is really nice. I am a vegetarian and just ate paneer tikka, which was quite spicy,” Anderson said, according to the Times of India.

The dish involves placing pieces of spiced paneer cheese on skewers in a shish-kabob fashion. Paneer cheese, made by curdling heated milk with lemon juice or food acid, is one of the few cheeses that does not involve using rennet, a product from a calf’s stomach, in the processing, making it more suitable for stricter vegetarians.

Paneer Tikka: kspoddar from Flickr

Paneer Tikka: kspoddar from Flickr


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Brian May Giving Speech At Animal Aid Annual Christmas Fayre

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, November 17th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Brian May

Brian May will give a speech titled, “Man as a Wild Animal,” at the annual Animal Aid Christmas Fayre, an event hosted during the holidays featuring cruelty-free, eco-friendly and ethical products available for purchase as gifts at over 85 vendors.

The Christmas Fayre will be held at Kensington Town Hall on December 5th and May’s speech will began at 2:00 PM.

The vegetarian guitarist is behind the campaign, Save Me, meant to educate UK’s voters on the anti-hunting laws that may be repealed if certain political parties have their way.

via This Dish Is Vegetarian

Photo: PR Photos

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