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Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs Drummer Brian Chase Went Veg In Experiments

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, May 7th, 2009 in Male Musicians.

2004 MTV  Movie Awards - Arrivals

Brian Chase, drummer for the musical group Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs recently wrote on his blog about his path to vegetarianism.

“I became vegetarian as an experiment, to see what it was like, and to do so without adhering to a hard and fast ideology. First it was a physical experience: I felt lighter, more open, and even stronger; more efficient.”

“Then I understood vegetarianism on a moral level. Here was the way I approached it: To live in harmony with one’s environment, there needs to be a constant sense of give-and-take, a mutual respect that promotes sustainability for eternity.”

“Tonight, I finally understood what it means to be a practicing vegetarian. Some vegetarians say it’s ‘wrong’ to kill animals or use animals for food (as I did above). I see that as a matter of principle- and principles aren’t necessarily true or real. It is almost always more powerful to have something be an innate experience, to feel it from your core rather than as an ideology. It finally made sense to me what it means to be practicing vegetarianism: it has to do with making the decision to willingly act for kindness and to renounce violence. To not eat meat, is to say to myself, “I will consciously make the decision to not eat animals killed for my sustenance”

Guitarist Nick Zinner is another veg rocker for the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs. Now if they could only bring Karen O. over…

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Erykah Badu performs at the 40th New Orleans Jazz and Heritage FestivalAs a child, what snack did you love so much, you were willing to forgo an entire month of Saturday morning Smurfs?

Erykah Badu’s daughter, Puma, doesn’t seem to be that picky about her favorite munchie. As long as it’s vegan.

Erykah recently made a CelebrityTweet:

“puma keeps asking for vegan snack after snack …i oughta do like my mama and tell her , “.. gone . gone and eat em all then they’ll be gone.”

With all the unhealthy snacks kids ask for these days (chips, soda, cookies, oh my), Erykah should at least be thankful little Puma knows what good!

Of course, having a mom who grows her own herbs and is so big on holistic health doesn’t hurt.

Does your child have a favorite vegan snack you wouldn’t dare leave off the grocery list? Are you a big kid who has serious problems parting with your vegan comfort food?

Learn about what else Puma is begging for at Erykah’s celebrity Tweet at celebritytweet.com/fatbellybella/.

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MC Hammer is the highlight host for the Shorty Awards for Twitter contentThe ever so funny man of AFI, bassist Hunter Burgan, recently blogged a list a quotes by famous vegetarians.

Hunter decided to add his profound quote on vegetarianism:

“I’d never eat a horse.”

There you have it folks. This will be recorded in the history books with great short quotes by the likes of people like Muhammad Ali, The Pope, and Gandhi. Some other good revelations from people Hunter included:

“I have been following a vegan diet now since the 1980s, and find it not only healthier, but also much more attractive than the chunks of meat that were on my plate as a child.”
Neal Barnard M.D.

“If the whole world went vegan, there would be less war. How you eat determines your mood and your outlook on life.”
Alexandra Paul

Go to Hunter’s blog at Macbeth.com to find more famous quotes.

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Mike Gordon Of Phish Loves His Vegan Carrot Kugel

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, May 5th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers, Recipes.

gimpbully from Flickr

gimpbully from Flickr

Phish’s bass player and vocalist Mike Gordon Tweeted about his love of vegan carrot kugel.

Kugels are awesome traditional baked Jewish dishes that feature vegetables, fruit or other starches, and a thickening agent.

In an effort to get closer to the immortal status of rock stars, we decided to search for a recipe for vegan kugel, that, upon ingestion, would make us famed musicians and send millions of fan mail and driveling women to our doorstep.

We found a Vegan Potato and Carrot Kugel recipe that we’ll have to try in the near future.

If any of you have a different formula for vegan carrot kugel, please drop a comment and let everyone know where to find it.

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Geezer Butler Of Black Sabbeth, Heaven And Hell, Records Veg PSA

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, April 30th, 2009 in Male Musicians, Videos.

Geezer Butler, bassist for Black Sabbath and Heaven and Hell, recorded a PSA for vegetarianism.

This dude has been vegetarian since he was eight! He’s now a vegan.

“One day I cut this piece of meat open and blood came out,” Geezer said. “I asked my mother, “Where did this come from?” And she said “animals,” and that was it.”

“And now these days, you can get everything vegan-vegan marshmallows…so now I’m eating all these things that you couldn’t even get before.”

Geezer says when people come over to his home and eat, they don’t even realize the meat’s not there until he tells them!

Watch the video to learn what Geezer has to say about animal adoption.

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Paul McCartney Letter To Pamela Anderson: Preaching To The Choir

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, April 29th, 2009 in Actresses, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Pamela Anderson, Chrissie Hynde and Paul McCartney Maybe Paul McCartney is getting old.

The famous vegetarian Ex Beatle has written a letter to former Baywatch babe Pamela Anderson detailing all the benefits of a vegetarian diet.

But why on earth is he telling this to Pamela, who’s been a vegetarian for years?

“There are several reasons for a shift in a much lower input of meat in human diets if not complete vegetarianism…Quite apart from reasons of compassion for animals, a move towards vegetarian diets would also address the crisis in the global food market which leaves the poorest of the poor severely malnourished and ill-fed with food prices that have climbed to substantial heights in recent months largely because of diversion of food grains for conversion into animal proteins.”

Like duh. Pamela knows that dude.

Read the rest of Paul’s letter to Pamela.

via Pamelachannel.com

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Paul McCartney Signs Petition To Ban Trading Of Seal Goods

Written by Vegetarian Star on Saturday, April 25th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Natural Resources Defense Council 11th Annual Forces For Nature Benefit
Paul McCartney is the latest celebrity to add his name the growing list on the petition urging members of European Parliament to make the trading of goods made from seals illegal.

“The fate of millions of seal pups is in the hands of elected members of the European Parliament,” McCartney said in a statement.

“In the next few weeks they will have a historic opportunity to stop the cruel trade in seal products throughout the European Union.”

Voting on the complete ban takes place next week. Such a ban would deter hunters from clubbing seals, wishing to gain profits from their coats and meat.

via Contactmusic.com

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Wehwalt on Creative Commons

Wehwalt on Creative Commons

If you southerners are looking for some smashing vegan brownies and ice cream, Silverstein’s Shane Told has given his approval for Spiral Diner and Restaurant in Dallas, Texas.

From a recent Tweet:

Eating Vegan food @ Spiral in Dallas. Great place, best vegan brownie/ice cream ever.

Spiral Diner has a completely vegan menu (scroll down after clicking on the menu link for some major hardcore food porn), with everything from veggie burgers to smoothies to breakfast items.

You can follow Shane’s other vegan tweets @shanetold.

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