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Archive for 2008

Michael Jackson

“The best part of being a vegan is the purity and peace of mind one experiences and the strong connection I feel to the animal kingdom.”

—–Uri Geller, performer and paranormalist, who claims to be able to bend spoons with the power of his mind. When referring to his powers, he prefers to be called a “mystifier” rather than “psychic.” He is reported to have a collection of bent spoons from stars such as John Lennon and the Spice Girls. He also designed the logo for the band ‘N Sync.

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Linda McCartney Photographs - Private View

“If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian.”
——Paul McCartney

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Woody Harrelson has always been supportive of eco-friendly initiatives. He once climbed the Golden Gate bridge to protest forest destruction and drives around in a VW Beetle that runs on biodiesel.

Although he is a vegan and raw foodist, he’s not the only one into a healthy lifestyle. His wife, Laura Louie, is his former assistant and a co-founder of Yoganics, an organic food delivery service.

They live in a neighborhood with their three children where everybody does it solar style. “Everybody in the neighbourhood is on solar power,” he said in an interview. “People get the concept that it’s like a commune, but this was a neighbourhood that’s been there long before I got there, and they just never wanted power lines.”

via Times Online

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A vegan restaurant in downtown Portland is closing because the owner feels there’s too much crime in the area. After listening to some of the stories, well…we can’t say we disagree.

Sex offenders beating people up, drug dealers dividing their “goodies” (which were probably vegan but still illegal) on tables outside the restaurant, repeated robberies, harassment consisting of salami being left at the doorstep, and screaming meth addicts walking past is more than enough for anyone to say, “Let’s take this vegan shop elsewhere.”

The Veganopolis has been a favorite for Portland vegheads since 2005 and many celebrities have stopped by including Chrissie Hynde, Smashing Pumpkins, and Joan Jett.

Interestingly enough, Chrissie Hynde has discussed the fact that her vegan restaurant, The Vegiterranean is located in a not so Brady Bunch part of Akron, Ohio, and she has expressed extreme interest in helping to revitalize her hometown.

Veganopolis sold 14,008 spelt chocolate chip cookies, 7970 veganopolis rubens, 5645 roasted eggplant salads, and 5952 democracy (veggie) burgers.

Although it’s sad to see this veg restaurant couldn’t make it, we give hats off to other efforts that are being made to bring better options, food and otherwise, into every neighborhood.

via Portland Mercury

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Scott Jurek Still Sees Many Vegans Drinking Soda Pop

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, September 25th, 2008 in Athletes-Games-Sports.

Scott Jurek is an ultra marathoner who is featured in the October issue of Vegetarian Times, along with Chris Walla of Death Cab For Cutie.

Not only is he a vegan athlete, he is also a yoga man, and an instructor for a class he attended took the opportunity to ask him a few questions about his lifestyle.

Jurek made his final decision to go vegan after a friend let him borrow, “Mad Cowboy,” by Howard F. Lyman, a former cattle rancher turned vegetarian.

“This book really opened my eyes to the factory farming nightmare and how unhealthy it was for me, the animals, and the environment,” he said.

And although turning veg has done great things for him, he’s cautious to anyone who thinks cutting out meat alone will make you healthy.

“It’s not like you wake up the next morning and feel ten times better. The changes are more gradual and you can see them better once you continue down the path for a while and then look back. In regards to competing and training I noticed my recovery times had shortened, that I was less injury prone, and had a higher level of energy. Above all, the major changes were in my relationship to food preparation and intake. I became very concerned not just about veganism, but about proper nutrition. I’ve come across many vegans who are still drinking soda pop. The point is you can be vegan and still have an unhealthy diet.”

Read the rest of the interview with Scott in Jai! Magazine.

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Ted Nugent Wanted To Protect Paul McCartney And Buy Him Nice Tofu Dinner

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, September 25th, 2008 in Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Ted Nugent Hosts Pre-show BBQ

Paul McCartney stood up to the face of intimidation and refused to cancel his performance at Israel’s 60th birthday despite several threats from militant Islamic groups. The celebration in Tel Aviv was scheduled for tonight.

After hearing the troubles Paul was having, Ted Nugent offered to help him with the cause, offering to protect him and buy him tofu afterwards.

This may be a prime example of the “Although I don’t agree with what you say, I’ll defend your right,” statement. Nugent, is a Republican, pro gun carrying man, who loves to eat anything that can run or swim away from him. McCartney, of course, is a longtime vegetarian and activist.

Nugent told WENN radio, “”Regardless that Paul and I have our obvious social, cultural, and culinary differences outside of music, I will not bend or waiver to voodoo religious whackjobs and neither should Paul.”

“It would be my pleasure to keep this legendary musical hero safe from terrorists and madmen, and then buy him a nice dinner of tofu.”

This is a sharp contrast from what Nugent wrote before in an article that appeared in the Waco Tribune-Herald: “I have musical touring associates who have been fired from their jobs with ex-Beatle Paul McCartney for sneaking a hamburger. You heard that right. Fired for eating meat by an animal-rights maniac, hardcore vegan bass player.”

Ah…It’s so refreshing to see a carnivore maniac like Nugent defend an animal rights maniac who fires people for eating burgers on the bus. Maybe we are coming together despite our differences after all.

via Guardian

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Vegan Russell Simmons Will Drink Smart Water Like It’s His Birthday

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, September 25th, 2008 in Authors, Business, Food & Drink.

Saturday Book & Author Luncheon At The Book Expo

Go Russell, it’s your birthday. You’re gonna party like it’s your birthday. You’re gonna drink Smart Water like it’s your birthday.

Smart Water and Global Grind are having a party and Russell Simmons will do a lot of drinking. Drinking of Smart Water,that is.

Global Grind is a hip hop version of Huffington Post. It’s an aggregate of news, gossip, blogs, videos, and much more of any media that is hip hop and urban culture related. They’ve done some redecorating and they’re throwing a party to celebrate, partnering with Smart Water to do so.

Russell Simmons will be making a guest appearance at Global Grind’s one year anniversary party on September 29th at Tongue & Groove in Atlanta, Georgia. But it gets even better for Simmons as the party is also a dual event to celebrate his birthday.

“I chose Smart Water as a partner because it aligns well with my vegan lifestyle, with the work I’ve been doing to positively influence the community and with the highest purpose I have for Global Grind,” he said.

via The Hip Hop Cosign

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Chrissie Hynde Dons “Tax-Meat” T-Shirt At Farm Aid

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, September 24th, 2008 in Female Musicians, Female Singers.

Chrissie Hynde Unveils New PETA Advert

Some cool celebrities were part of the lineup for Farm Aid 2008, an event thrown together by none other than the organization, Farm Aid, which is designed to help raise awareness for small family farms and keep them alive in the age of mass commercial farming and production.

Kenny Chesney, Willie Nelson, and John Mellencamp rocked fans at the event sponsored mainly by Whole Foods and Horizon Organic, with a little help from a few other veg friendly companies like Silk Soy Products, as well as Pretenders’ Chrissie Hynde. Never failing to remind anyone in ear’s reach she is a vegan, Chrissie saw the opportunity to get the word out and wore a “Tax-Meat” t-shirt to the event.

If you’re a sucker for awesome live music and interested in viewing the webcast of the concert, hop on over to this site and enjoy.

via Live Daily

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