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It’s no secret vegan musician Nellie McKay likes junk food, from calling herself a “junkatarian” to her theory that more vegan junk food would convert people to veganism. In this video from her Uncensored Interview set, she lists her favorite restaurants, which, ironically, don’t sound as if they’re serving junk at all. Veggie Paradise 2, the veggie burger at Better Burger, and even the Chipotle Burritos are on her fave list.

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Leilani Munter Assembling Her Eco-Dream Team For 2009

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, December 29th, 2008 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Environment-Eco-Green.

Global Green USAs 6th Annual Pre-Oscar Party - Red Carpet

When vegetarian professional race car driver and environmentalist Leilani Munter first started talking about environmental issues on her racing website, she got mixed reactions.

Some were excited to embrace the discussion of being eco-friendly. Others said she was “brainwashed by Al Gore,” because she promoted An Inconvenient Truth.

But the important thing was at least they were talking about it, something that wasn’t happening before.

Like it or not, race car driving is one of the biggest spectator sports in the country and to leave millions of fans in the dark about what’s going on with the earth would just be plain irresponsible.

She recently appeared on NPR, discussing her 2009 plans to put together an Eco-Dream Team where the race cars will show a public service message to race fans, promoting greener actions, such as using energy saving light bulbs. She also wants to set up eco-education centers at the racetracks.

Listen to Leilani’s interview on NPR.

Photo: Nzcowboy13 on Creative Commons

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Pamela Anderson’s Christmas Gift To Bush, Barack Obama

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, December 29th, 2008 in Actresses.

Pamela Anderson Book Signing

Who knew Pamela Anderson was a bookworm? She’s loves one book so much, she told Contact Music she was giving two copies of it away-one to President Bush and another to his soon to be successor Barack Obama.

One Can Make a Difference, a collection of celebrity written essays compiled by PETA’s President Ingrid Newkirk, has touched Pammie so much, she’s sure it will make a great addition to the Presidential libraries.

“I’m sending a copy of the book to the Obamas and, what the hell, to Mr. Bush, too, since he’ll need ways to pass the time, because it is exactly the theme for our next White House: one can make a difference!” she said.

One Can Make a Difference contains essays written by Russell Simmons, Willie Nelson, and Oliver Stone to name a few. Meant to be inspirational, it’s far from hokey and contrived, according to Anderson’s review.

“It’s a collection of 50 inspirational essays – not boring ‘strive to be better’ sayings, but real-life stories that are truly amazing.”

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Pay Pal, Slide Tech Genius And Wife Are Obsessively Healthy Eaters

Written by Vegetarian Star on Sunday, December 28th, 2008 in Business.

450px-max_levchinIf you’ve ever bought something off eBay or made other financial transactions on the Internet, you’ve probably taken advantage of the billion dollar company co-founded by Max Levchin, Pay Pal.

Levchin sold Pay Pal for $1.5 billion in 2002, but don’t let that fool you into thinking he’s lounging on the retirement patio every afternoon sipping lemonade. These days, he keeps busy as the CEO of Slide, which allows people to share pictures over Internet social networks like Facebook and Myspace.

He maintains a grueling physical fitness routine, cycling long distances-as much as 80 miles on the weekends-then stocking up on vegetarian protein to replenish.

“I’m not really into breakfast, but my wife, Nellie, is a huge breakfast fan. We’re both vegetarians and obsessively healthy eaters. Given the training, I tend to pound the protein, so breakfast will be some sort of yoghurt or an egg-white omelette with asparagus, which is very popular in California right now. Croissants are an occasional treat for us, perhaps on the weekend.”

You can find out more of what his typical day consists of at the Times Online.

Photo: Morgan Sherwood on Wikimedia Commons

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Katherine Jenkins Is No Leona Lewis

Written by Vegetarian Star on Sunday, December 28th, 2008 in Female Singers, Fur, Not So Vegetarian.

Katherine Jenkins Launches Harrods Winter Sale

Welsh singer Katherine Jenkins upset quite a few anti-fur protesters recently when she agreed to perform at the opening of a Harrods sale.

Yes, Harrods, the same department store Leona Lewis refused to sing at because the store sells fur and Leona is a staunch vegetarian.

But wait, so is Katherine Jenkins.

“I was very excited to join the sales,” Jenkins said. “I am a girl’s girl, so obviously this is my idea of fun. Personally, I do not eat meat or wear fur, but people are entitled to their opinions.”

Or perhaps she was very excited to join the sales money. Lewis’ offer to open a previous Harrods sale was worth over a million dollars. It’s not known what Jenkins was payed for her performance.

Anti-Fur Protestors Gather As Harrods Winter Sale Begins

Jenkins was also quoted as saying she vowed not to let the animal rights protesters “dampen everyone’s fun,” which most certainly didn’t win her any more points with the anti-fur group.

“If people choose to buy fur items that is their prerogative. She was simply opening a sale at a store that sells fur items,” a spokesperson for Jenkins said.

According to John Wilson, member of the Coalition to Abolish Fur Trade, Harrods is the only major department store in the UK to sell imported fur, much of which comes from China where animals are housed in deplorable conditions and rabbits are often skinned alive.

via Daily Mail

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Donna Karan Waves Bye To Bunnies: Hopefully, Her Nose Won’t Grow

Written by Vegetarian Star on Saturday, December 27th, 2008 in Fashion, Fur.

Donna Karan Hosts The Kageno Harambee Gala

Although you still have to hit her with snowballs to earn points in the Holiday Snowball Game, Donna Karan has made the announcement that she will not be using fur in her fall 2009 winter or any future collections, according to PETA’s blog.

Congrats to Donna and animal lovers worldwide for a decision to advance the fashion industry. But will this new relationship between Karan and Peter cottontail last?

Pinocchio Giorgio Armani once promised to stop using fur in his collections, but only a little after a year, he reneged, prompting PETA to design an ad of him with a Pinocchio’s nose.

Tim Gunn, personality on “Project Runway”, sent both Donna and Armani a copy of the video he recorded exposing the ugly side of fur farms, with rabbits being skinned alive for their pelts. He’s not alone in the sea of fashionistas who are going against the fur grain, including Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, and Calvin Klein.

We hope Donna remains in the pack with the more ethical designers. Besides, she’s far too attractive a lady to pin a wooden nose on her for satire, don’t you think?

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Morrissey Says Sea Food Is Sea Life: See That, Pescetarian?

Written by Vegetarian Star on Saturday, December 27th, 2008 in Male Singers.

397px-morrissey-alexander-filmWhen it comes to defining a vegetarian diet, most would agree abstaining from beef is a no brainer. But some have different standards when it comes to eating fish and other seafood, pescetarians, as they are called.

But Morrissey doesn’t have any doubts about sea food and took time to educate one of his former valets who spilled the beans that Morrissey will fire anyone caught eating meat while working for him on tour. More from Monsters and Critics:

“I asked what the view is on fish,” Andrew Winters told Britain’s The Times newspaper. “Sea food is sea life, I was informed, so the same rule applies.”

He was applying as a valet for a two week tour with Morrissey when inquiring about the “requirements” of the job.

So beef, poultry, and sea life can all get you canned. Or an ugly shirt.

Winters was fired after one day (but not for eating sea life).

The road manager told him he didn’t do anything wrong and said, “It’s nothing to do with you, really. It could have been the shirt you were wearing, your haircut, anything. Please don’t take it personally. This happens.”

No, sometimes Morrissey just wants to say “sea ya!”

Photo: caligvila on Wikimedia Commons

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“I get really excited about the fact that I can eat an artichoke, place all the leaves into my little bucket, put it into the ground and then it turns into rich soil which then grows my food. I know that might sound weird, but the cycle of life really amazes me.”
—-vegan actress Alicia Silverstone on some of the green things she does around her home, including having a compost bucket in her backyard. The biggest “green” act of all is being vegan of course. If you haven’t watched the video on Meat The Truth, discussing all the nifty facts on how vegetarianism and veganism helps prevent global climate change, you’re missing out.

via Bankrate

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