Quantcast Vegetarian StarDonna Karan Waves Bye To Bunnies: Hopefully, Her Nose Won’t Grow

Donna Karan Waves Bye To Bunnies: Hopefully, Her Nose Won’t Grow

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 27th, 2008 in Fashion, Fur.

Donna Karan Hosts The Kageno Harambee Gala

Although you still have to hit her with snowballs to earn points in the Holiday Snowball Game, Donna Karan has made the announcement that she will not be using fur in her fall 2009 winter or any future collections, according to PETA’s blog.

Congrats to Donna and animal lovers worldwide for a decision to advance the fashion industry. But will this new relationship between Karan and Peter cottontail last?

Pinocchio Giorgio Armani once promised to stop using fur in his collections, but only a little after a year, he reneged, prompting PETA to design an ad of him with a Pinocchio’s nose.

Tim Gunn, personality on “Project Runway”, sent both Donna and Armani a copy of the video he recorded exposing the ugly side of fur farms, with rabbits being skinned alive for their pelts. He’s not alone in the sea of fashionistas who are going against the fur grain, including Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, and Calvin Klein.

We hope Donna remains in the pack with the more ethical designers. Besides, she’s far too attractive a lady to pin a wooden nose on her for satire, don’t you think?

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