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Premiere Of "The Agronomist" For The National Coalition For Hatian Rights - After Party

Reggae musician Buju Banton is in a legal battle with the Pinellas County Jail over his ability to get vegetarian food while housed there.

Banton was imprisoned in December for allegedly planning the distribution of cocaine.

He claimed the jail did not respond to his requests for vegetarian meals and as a result, he lost 40 pounds.

A judge ruled last week that his claim of losing 40 pounds was false.

According to hiphopdx, Banton is a strict Rastafarian, and many do not eat red meat.

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“Fall Out Boy” Andy Hurley Joining Earth Crisis On Upcoming Tour

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, March 29th, 2010 in Bands, Male Musicians.

Los Premios MTV 2009 - Show

Fall Out Boy veggie drummer Andy Hurley will be joining Earth Crisis for their upcoming tour, according to Punk News.

Hurley once attributed the lack of tabloid gossip about him to the fact that he’s a straight edge vegan who’ll never get caught doing things like, “stumbling out of a bar drunk.”

Earth Crisis is known for its involvement and support of animal rights issues and also maintaining a straight edge vegan life and speaking out on political issues.

Sounds like Andy will feel right at home.

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“30 Seconds To Mars” Jared Leto Tofu Sacrifice Pays Off

Written by Vegetarian Star on Saturday, March 27th, 2010 in Bands, Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

ELLE Style Awards 2010 - Arrivals

30 Seconds to Mars singer Jared Leto has revealed secret, possibly rooted in ancient tradition, ceremonies he and the other two band members, Shannon Leto and Tomo Milisevic, share.

Instead of sacrificing animals before a performance, Leto says soybeans are offered.

“Well there was a time when we used to sacrifice goats but then we all became vegans so we’ve been sacrificing tofu before the shows!” Leto joked on Myspace, according to Gigwise.

Dude is close to 40, but doesn’t look like he’s legal to even play at some of the venues where 30 Seconds takes the stage.

The youth gods must love tofu!

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Meatless Mouthful: Bobby Rock On Vegan World Transition

Written by Vegetarian Star on Saturday, September 26th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Meatless Mouthful.



“Regarding people, it’s all about transition. Just like any technology or product that is replaced by a better or newer one, there is always a transition that happens. The old (animal products) company would gradually let people go as the demand for their products decreases, while the new (vegan products/plant-based foods) company would gradually hire more folks as their demand increases. Of course, sometimes it’s messy, and there’s a disproportionate amount of firings to hirings. But this transition will NOT happen overnight. So I think we would see a gradual shift as described here.”

“Regarding animals, there are two main points to remember; the only reason we have the 15+ billion farm animals going through the system each year is because humans have gone to tremendous extremes to unnaturally breed these animals. So, again, as the demand lessens, so will their extreme “quotas” of reproduction.”

“Also, the overwhelming majority of these billions are chickens, and if a chicken has been raised as a “broiler” for food, then their life span would typically be only one year, presuming they were spared a trip to the slaughterhouse in this transition scenario. But truthfully, I think the transition will be gradual enough that they will cut back on the rate of breeding long before they would have all of these farm animals just hanging around somewhere.”

—-drummer Bobby Rock from his blog, on the fate of people and animals if the world turned vegan.

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Who Would You: Ben Gibbard Or Chris Walla (Death Cab Edition)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, September 16th, 2009 in Bands, Polls/Surveys, Who Would You.

Ben Gibbard and Chris Walla of Death Cab For Cutie are celebrating with Amy’s Frozen Burritos.

They’ve got one of the first songs to be announced for the New Moon soundtrack, Meet Me On The Equinox.

Ben and Chris will truly be the real vegetarian vampires of New Moon-not just the pseudo ones that don’t eat people.

Between the two band members, who would you rather…

Death Cab For Cutie Performs At The Joint 2009 Maui Film Festival - Day 2

Who Would You Rather Do Veggie Burger Lunch With?

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“I actually really like those vegetarian Boca Burgers. Lately I’ve been finding myself sprawled out on my front lawn with my shirt off listening to the pleasant, friendly hiss and crackle of a couple vegetarian patties sizzling away on the gas grill. Pure bliss.”

—-Owl City, a band that consists of one member, Adam Young, on his favorite vegetarian food.

A one man show means more Boca Burgers for yourself after the performance.

Nothing wrong with that at all.

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The Pretenders, Cat Power And Juliette Lewis At The Greek Theatre

“I was hounded and followed by Americans worldwide, who said ‘You’ve got to make him stop.’ I hadn’t even heard the show. Actually so many people told me to take it off, I thought ‘(expletive) it.’ I don’t have to do what you people want me to do. That show doesn’t matter to me. I think people are too easily baited. Those talk guys are just part of the gossip culture. Everyone’s got opinions on other people. It’s such a boring, unoriginal topic. No offense, but that’s not an original question. Ask me something else.”

—-hilarious Chrissie Hynde in an interview where she was asked about conservative talks show host Rush Limbaugh using her song, “My City Was Gone,” for his radio show.

Eventually Chrissie allowed Rush to use part of the song, but donate royalties to PETA.

And Rush isn’t such a bad guy after all, as he recorded a PSA for the Humane Society-without Chrissie’s prompt.

The left and the right can get along.

At least when it comes to being an advocate for animals.

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Hard Rock Cafe Hollywood Hosts A Live Performance By Melissa Etheridge

“When I got my breast cancer diagnosis [in 2004] and realized that my body was out of balance, I started to look at what it needed to be in balance: good food, whole food. I started looking at the environment around me — and I realized we need similar ingredients to make our earth bodies run. We have neglected what it takes to make the earth run. When I got involved in Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth,” I really began to educate myself.I realized I couldn’t keep walking down the path of, “I can put anything I want into my stomach, and I’m going to live forever.” That’s not going to work, nor will it for the Earth.”

—-Melissa Etheridge, on the realization that both our bodies and our planet need only the healthiest ingredients put into them.

Melissa puts the best in her body by maintaining a vegetarian diet.

via politico.com via Ecorazzi.com

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