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David Chang, Chefs Sick Of Vegetarian Requests. Momofuku Them!

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, June 9th, 2010 in Business, Chefs, Food & Drink, Restaurants.

David Chang of "Momofuku"

David Chang of "Momofuku"

David Chang, chef and owner of Momofuku Noodle Bar in New York, as well as other chefs, may be getting tired of your requests for vegetarian dishes to be made separately from meat ones.

In an article in the New York Post, chefs who are fed up with catering to customers’ demands are discussed, as well as their reactions, which include ignoring the requests, even at the expense of losing a customer.

It’s rumored that Chang got so tired of vegetarians complaining of the lack of options, he permanently changed the menu to reflect more meat than before.

Anthony Bourdain, who’s normally tickled pink by vegetarians too, by the way, gave the dish.


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Anthony Bourdain Tells What Vegetarians Should Expect At Show

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, April 19th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Chefs, Not So Vegetarian.

Anthony Bourdain And Eric Ripert Visit SIRIUS XM

If you go to a live Anthony Bourdain show, don’t expect to see tofu being sauteed.

And don’t be afraid to be the butt of a joke.

The chef who once said it wasn’t polite to eat vegetarian when traveling and that “vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn” wasn’t throwing compliments to meatless eaters when he spoke to syracuse.com.

“I’m making some vegetarian jokes, that’s for sure. … I’m genuinely angered at the idea of vegetarian traveling — that’s the crux of my discomfort with vegetarians.”

But he did say he’ll have a conversation with some of them.

How thoughtful.

“I’m comfortable having conversations with vegetarians. There are vegetarians I can talk to.”

For example, Bourdain wants you to talk about killing animals for food cause he’s bored to death about being asked what’s the worst meal he’s ever eaten.

“I’d much rather have someone get in my face about animal rights than softball questions.”

Somebody’s gotta ask him why he ate chicken in India after meeting some and petting them.

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World Premiere of Julie & Julia

Anthony Bourdain and Eric Ripert hosted Jonathan Safran Foer on Turn and Burn, a 5 week series discussing food, food ethics and featuring celebrity chefs.

Bourdain and Foer got into the issue of the ethics of eating meat.

While Foer suggested people should at least stop eating meat from factory farmed animals, Bourdain suggested that option isn’t available to everyone.

Safran Foer: “I’m not forcing you to give it up completely, I’m not saying I’m better than you. I’m just saying we have this industry that’s a real problem. Everyone should give up factory-farmed meat — I think that’s something we really should agree on even if we disagree on how possible it is.”

Bourdain: “Everyone who can should give up factory-farmed meat. Let’s face it, most people can’t. They’re lined up outside Popeye’s fried chicken in the Mission District right now for 45 minutes waiting for their $1.99 chicken not because it’s good, but because it’s cheap.”

Ripert: “It’s cheaper than to eat beans at home?”

Bourdain: “Yeah, but come on, try to get some fresh vegetables in inner-city Baltimore.”

What’s your take on the situation?

Is it feasible for everyone to a eat fresh, organic, plant based diet?

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Anthony Bourdain On Rude Traveling Vegetarians

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010 in Chefs, Not So Vegetarian.

61st Annual Creative Arts Emmy Awards

Anthony Bourdain, celebrity chef, foe of vegetarians and overall smart-ass commented that he’ll eat just about anything except pets.

“I have strong convictions about what’s fluffy and what’s food,” Bourdain said, in the Cape Cod Times.

So Fido, Pixie and Max are off the menu.

And according to Bourdain, vegetarian food should be too if you don’t want to offend your meat eating guests.

“It’s just not polite to be a vegetarian when you travel,” the No Reservations star added.

Since Anthony travels across continents for his culinary adventures, one has to wonder if his rule of etiquette applies to domestic adventures too.

Does he expect vegetarians to shut up and eat the turkey after coming all the way from over the river and through the woods to grandma’s house?

If so, better hope the reindeer takes care of her before you’re halfway there.

Not that you don’t love your grandma.

Anthony describes his worst food experience as eating the “poop chute of a wart hog” while in Kalahari.

Guess he figures sometimes it’s better to be anal.

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Anthony Bourdain On Stupid Animals–Ari Solomon Gives Facts

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, October 29th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Business, Chefs.

World Premiere of Julie & Julia

In a recent article on the Huffington Post, Ari Solomon, president and co-creator of eco-friendly soy candle company, A Scent of Scandal, brought up a recent comment made by celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain.

On Larry King Live, Bourdain had commented that it was okay for humans to kill animals for food because humans were designed to chase down “smaller and stupider” creatures.

“It was the “stupider” remark that caught my attention, and not just for Bourdain’s obvious grammatical shortcomings,” said Solomon.

Solomon then gave some wonderful facts on the intelligence of animals:

Pigs may be smarter than Bourdain:
“Pigs have the mental capacity of a four year-old human child and have beat humans in memory games.”

Dolphins are talking about Bourdain behind his back:
“Dolphins have a very distinct language that scientists now refer to as “dolphinese” which humans can’t decipher. For all our human knowledge, we have no idea how to understand what should be, according to Bourdain, a “stupider” means of communication.”

Pigeons are like men because they don’t ask for directions:
“Did you know, for example, that pigeons can fly thousands of miles to find the same roosting spot with no navigational difficulties? Some species of birds, like the Arctic Tern, make a 25,000-mile round-trip journey every year. Many species use built-in ferromagnets to detect their orientation with respect to the Earth’s magnetic field. Can you do that?”

To read Ari’s entire article that describes animals’ intelligence, visit Huffingtonpost.com.

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Anthony Bourdain On Gwyneth Paltrow: A Ham Refusing Bitch

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, June 11th, 2009 in Actresses, Chefs.

2005 TCA Tour Day 5 - NCTA

Gwyneth Paltrow is no vegetarian saint.

But while filming Spain…On the road again with Mario Batali, she did refrain from eating many meats, including ham.

And Anthony Bourdain thinks she’s such a bitch for doing so.

From Ecorazzi.com:

“While on a panel with fellow foodie Mario Batali at Seattle’s Paramount theater last weekend, Bourdain poked fun at Batali’s PBS series Spain… On the Road Again; which featured the chef and Paltrow on a culinary tour of Spain. “Why would you go to Spain with the one bitch who refuses to eat ham?””

Now we know how he really feels about Paltrow.

Jerk? Funny? A little bit of both?

Personally, we’d like to see Gwyneth be an even bigger bitch and refuse every animal.

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Celebrity chefs Gordon Ramsay and Anthony Bourdain may be the biggest vegetarian haters in the world.

Bourdain thinks vegetarians are a pain in the rump, and calls their vegan counterparts, “Hezbollah-like splinter factions,” who are a “persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn.” Sorry to bother you, Anthony.

Gordon Ramsay wants to enforce a strict dietary policy with his children. He once said, “My biggest nightmare would be if the kids ever came up to me and said ‘Dad, I’m a vegetarian.’ Then I would sit them on the fence and electrocute them.”

Yep, Gordon would pull his hairs out at the site of a Boca burger. And if vegans irritate Anthony so much, we might as well have fun annoying him. So between the two veg hatin’ celebrity chefs, who would you rather…

2009 FOX UpFront after-party Food Bank For New York Citys Sixth Annual Can-Do Awards - Red Carpet

Who Would You Love To Force To Eat Veggie Burgers For A Year?

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Mario Batali Loves Eating Vegetarians For Lunch And Dinner

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, June 5th, 2009 in Chefs, Not So Vegetarian.

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Mario Batali and fellow vegetarian hater Anthony Bourdain recently did a Q & A session with fans and one person asked Batali what he thought of vegetarians.

“Some of my favorite things to eat are vegetarians!”

Ha, ha haaaaaa, Mario.

Gwyneth Paltrow scolded him for eating baby animals during their culinary adventures in Spain…On The Road Again, saying it was bad karma to do so. Of course, given her phony vegetarian history (turkey burgers, anyone?) she didn’t have much room to talk, but good for her for selectively taking up for some animals.

Yeah, we’re sure there’s even worse bad karma for those who eat baby AND grass fed animals.

via seattletimes.nwsource.com

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