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Archive for the 'Nutrition-Health-Fitness' Category

AFI & Walt Disney Pictures' A Cinematic Celebration Of Jerry Bruckheimer

An informative article with a funny title, What You Can Learn From Flailing Stars, discusses various celebrities who have medical conditions and how to seek treatment if you suffer from the condition.

According to the article, vegetarian Orlando Bloom is also lactose intolerant, meaning his shared refrigerator with Miranda Kerr might have cartons of rice milk inside.

If you believe you suffer from such a condition, there are three tests you can ask your doctor to perform, the Lactose Intolerance Test, the Hydrogen Breath Test, and if you’re a genius infant who happens to have the ability to read gossip blogs, the Stool Acidity Test, all discussed on the Mayo Clinic website.

The Lactose Intolerance Test involves drinking a liquid that has high levels of lactose and getting blood tested two hours later. If your glucose level doesn’t rise, this means the body isn’t digesting and absorbing lactose.

The Hydrogen Breath test is not a sobriety one.


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They say you can tell a lot from an NBA player by the contents of his locker.

That’s why we’re only getting positive vibes from Phoenix Suns’ Amar’e Stoudemire, who has a copy of the book, Becoming Vegan by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina, on the shelf.

Becoming Vegan is a one stop vegan guide for everything meat, fish, dairy and egg-free, including best sources of calcium and protein, good fats, vegan eating for infants and children, pregnancy and breast feeding.

Stoudemire, who recently spoke about his 4 day vegan fast and has also posed in an anti-fur ad for PETA, probably paid close attention to the section on maintaining top performance as a vegan athlete.

Written by two dietitians, one of the co-authors, Brenda Davis, has served as the chair of the American Dietetic Association’s Vegetarian Nutrition Practice Group.

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An ABC special recently highlighted the growing popularity of part time veganism, which has been attributed to author and New York Times contributor Mark Bittman with his “Vegan before 6,” approach.

The clip features Reggie Bass, who lost 40 pounds going on a raw vegan diet, and now has a business that sells prepared vegan foods.

“I would like to see people eat 100 percent raw vegan, but I don’t think it’s realistic at all. But I think that if people were even 80 percent raw and 20 percent,” says Bass in the video.

Scenes from interviews with Bittman and associate publisher of VegNews magazine Colleen Holland are also included.

“I made this rule for myself which was — okay I’m going to be a vegan, a really strict vegan until six at night, or until I eat dinner. And I’m going to eat whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, that’s it until 6 p.m.,” said Bittman.

“Everyone may have their opinions, I think for most people we know the world isn’t going vegan tomorrow. We know that would be the best thing for the planet, the best thing for the animals and it would be the best thing for human health, but this may be the first step in going towards that,” said Holland.

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Kimberley Locke‘s life has changed much since her appearance on season 3 of American Idol, especially her diet.

No longer having the insatiable appetite for the southern fried foods her mother frequently cooked at home, these days the AI top three finalist has traded Hardees for Hemp protein and even dabbles in vegan food.

“Since losing weight post Idol I have definitely read up on supplements and incorporated some new ones into my regimen,” Locke told the Bay Area Healthy Living Examiner. “I take a multi-vitamin, b-6, b-12, zinc, magnesium…. those are just a few. My favorite is a hemp shake that I found at Erewhone. It has 14 grams of fiber! In world of over processed foods this is my most important supplement.”

“I even have a favorite vegan restaurant in Los Angeles that I really enjoy!”

Erewhone is a natural foods store in Los Angeles that offers groceries, organic produce and natural remedy products such as herbal mixtures.

Locke has also lost 40 pounds since American Idol.

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Martha Stewart had some experience with adding vegetarian sources of iron into meals when her daughter Alexis chose to become vegetarian.

One reader on her Martha Stewart Living column who happened to be a mother of a vegetarian daughter, was afraid her child wouldn’t get enough iron if she didn’t eat red meat.

Certain traditional vegetarian foods like soy may interfere with iron absorption, due to the presence of phytate, and calcium from dairy products can do this as well.

“There are plenty of iron-rich foods outside the animal kingdom, and a well-planned vegetarian diet can provide an ample amount,” the article reads. “Spinach, kale, collard and similar leafy greens are all good sources, as are beans, nuts, and whole grains, including quinoa and wild rice. Iron-fortified cereals and pastas are also worth seeking out.”

Getting plenty of Vitamin C from fruits and vegetables is actually favorable for a veggie, as this increases absorption.

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Whole Foods "Health Starts Here"

Whole Foods "Health Starts Here"

Whole Foods has partnered with Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of Eat To Live, and Rip Esselstyn, author of The Engine 2 Diet, to create their “Health Starts Here,” program designed to show customers what foods are nutrient dense.

The Health Starts Here logo will appear throughout the store near items that are plant based and nutrient dense, with Dr. Fuhrman’s Aggregate Nutrient Density Index (ANDI) system, which assigns high numbers to foods like fruits and vegetables and low numbers to meat products and processed/prepared foods that are low in nutrients compared to their caloric content.

The Health Starts here program consists of three basic principles:

* Simply put, eat mostly plants
* No matter what type of diet you follow — including those that incorporate dairy, meat and/or seafood — eat more plants, like raw and cooked vegetables, fruits, legumes and beans, nuts, seeds and whole grains
* Eat a colorful variety of plants to ensure you’re getting the best nutrients for your body, which leads to feeling satiated

For more information, visit Whole Foods Market.

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Gwyneth Paltrow All Smiles After Talking With GMA

We hear Gwyneth Paltrow is interested in putting yoga into the curriculum at inner city schools.

Before you roll eyes and insert snide remark about making fixing the outdated buildings and designing  programs to raise standardized test scores a priority, it may interest you to know the kids in South Central LA, an area known for violence and poverty, are already bending themselves in pretzels.

Accelerated School, named School of the Year by Time magazine, found these classes raised self-esteem and made students more mellow, which resulted in less disciplinary issues in the classroom, according to Yoga Therapy Web.

The same site mentions a study that found that students’ GPAs have been correlated with the degree of participation in YogaEd, a 36 week children’s yoga program.

Gwyneth will provide the cat-stretch and downward-facing dog.

John Salley will create the menu filled with vegetarian entrees.

And Rachael Ray will set up the gardens in the schoolyard from which food is grown and obtained every semester.

It’s celebrities to the rescue to take back the public school system!

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Vegan athlete Brendan Brazier has taken to CrazySexyLife to talk about us being unbalanced!

That is, the average American consumes too high amounts of omega-6 fatty acids and not enough omega-3s, as reported by a World Health Organization finding.

Some believe the shift in eating more processed foods that are rich in the omega-6 acids, but also refined oils and manufactured fats designed to protect shelf life,  may be responsible for the ratio, and recommend supplementing with omega-3 for balance.

According to nutrition guru Dr. Weil, this imbalance may be linked to depression, obesity, hyperactivity and even violence. We need to stop building prisons and provide funding for omega-3 in criminals’ diets. A British study found that violence in prison dropped by 37% after omega-3 oils and supplements were added to the prisoners’ diets.

Brazier believes supplementing is like taking vitamins without ever eating a vegetable and the best way to cure the imbalance is to eat a well rounded diet.

“Taking into account the WHO’s findings on the ideal ratio, those of us who eat a diet that does not regularly contain large amounts of high-temperature fried foods, hydrogenated fats (such as those found in some margarines) or trans fats have no reason to use supplements with a greater ratio of omega-3 to omega-6. It’s just not necessary. If, however, a large part of your diet consists of denatured fats, fried foods and manufactured oils…stop eating them!”

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