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A few days ago we posted the ad showing Blink 182 and Angels and Airwaves musician Tom DeLonge advocating spaying and neutering pets.

Here’s a behind the scenes video of Tom as he’s filming his PSA for PETA’s “Have The Balls To Fix Your Dog” ad.

Spaying and neutering is a great way to prevent thousands of unwanted animals from being euthanized in shelters nationwide.

And besides, you probably spend more on all those soy lattes than you would to get your cat or dog fixed.

“It’s not expensive,” says Tom. “You probably spend way more on coffee, burritos, and alcohol to be honest.”

Not to mention you can search for free or low cost spay and neuter clinics located in a city near you.

Watch the video to see Tom and his dogs Chloe and Grey.

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Tom DeLonge Has The Balls–To Fix His Dogs

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, July 24th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Male Musicians, Male Singers.


Tom Delonge is obviously a man of many talents.

Between Blink 182, Angels and Airwaves, Modlife and being the entrepreneur behind MacBeth Shoes, he still finds time to speak up for animals.

Seen here in a spay and neuter your pet ad, Tom poses with his dogs Chloe and Grey to ask everyone to grow some balls-and get their pet fixed.

“It just ends up becoming a really sad state when animals are running around that have no families to be a part of,” said Tom. “Spaying and neutering the animals keeps the happy animals with happy families and doesn’t create too many lonely ones out there.”

You can watch Tom’s PSA at peta.org.

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Great news for you vegan musicians who happen to have Beatles nostalgia.

Planet Waves, a division of the D’Addario Co., is marketing the first set of authorized Beatles guitar straps and picks.

The straps and picks feature designs inspired by Beatles albums, such as Revolver, Meet the Beatles, and Yellow Submarine.

They took a little extra effort to manufacture because ex Beatle Paul McCartney insisted they not contain leather.

“(With) the straps, we also had the limitation from Paul McCartney being vegan that we weren’t allowed to use any hides,” said company president and CEO Jim D’Addario.

Well, actually, Paul’s just vegetarian, but who cares about technicalities!

“We had to create these out of synthetic materials and then put a sealer on them so they don’t affect the finish on guitars.”

Because of the synthetic material, extra care must be taken.

“You have a compatibility issue between some of these plastic materials and some of the finishes on vintage instruments and the instruments that are still made with natural lacquer finishes. And you’ve got to be careful when you put your guitar away you don’t store the strap behind the guitar with a lot of pressure on it. It could change the finish. We put a sealer on them that insulates the strap from the guitar finish. … So we have a little warning sticker on the back that tells people be careful with it. Lots of these straps are sold on the market successfully. It’s a question of making sure you know how to take care of it.”

So not too much drinking on stage during your performance or you won’t be able to care for your Beatles straps and picks properly when you put them away, okay?

The straps and picks can be ordered online.

via Beatles Examiner Steve Marinucci

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Wehwalt on Creative Commons

Wehwalt on Creative Commons

From a recent Tweet, we definitely know Silverstein’s Shane Told likes one of Qdoba restaurant’s vegetarian options.

“Qdoba vegetarian tortilla soup… To die for.”

Many vegheads think they have to settle for a coke or french fries when dining with friends at fast food establishments.

Sometimes, even the french fries aren’t safe (remember the McDonald’s beefy fries?).

But alas, options exists, and depending on your standards (vegan, cooked in oil with meat, etc.), you don’t have to go hungry when going to Qdoba, Arby’s, or Burger King.

Vegetarian-restaurants.net has a little handy guide to the veggie menu at several fast food establishments. Of course, suppliers and policies change, even from franchise to franchise, so it’s always best to call and ask ahead.

Happy junk food hunting!

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Paul McCartney and girlfriend Nancy Shevell in New York City

Paul McCartney and girlfriend Nancy Shevell were spotted dining at Nick and Toni’s in the Hamptons recently enjoying vegetarian pasta dishes.

Shevell, a board member of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority, was reported to have changed her ways dramatically after she starting dating Paul, toning down some of her extreme political views and ordering from the veggie menu often.

via foxnews.com

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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Sunday, July 19th, 2009 in Birthdays, Male Musicians.

VH1 Rock Honors - Show

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

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**RESTRICTIONS APPLY** Moby at The Hangover premiere event at Vue cinema in London

Moby will kick off a set of concerts in Europe next month in efforts to raise climate change awareness in young people.

In a joint deal with MTV, the concerts are part of the European Commission’s “Play to stop – Europe for climate” campaign.

Moby will perform in Stockholm on August 20, with other musicians taking the stages in Budapest and Copenhagen during the following weeks.

Looks like the European Commission and MTV chose the right man for the job. Who better to represent climate change awareness than longtime vegan Moby?

There’s no greater way to reduce your impact on the planet than to choose a plant based diet, which can reduce livestock emissions, and clear land that would normally be used to feed farm animals for people.

The musician has also been active in supporting Paul McCartney’s Meat Free Monday campaign, aimed at getting people to just reduce their meat consumption by going vegetarian one day a week.

Sure hope he plasters a “Go Veg” sign on his stage set.

via news.yahoo.com

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Ex-Beatle Paul McCartney rocks up a storm for the Late Show With David Lettermen in New York

Any entrepreneur or developer knows getting a successful product out is more than just putting in eight hours a day.

There are often late nights, weekends, and pounds of bacon to shove down your throat regularly.

Neil Gillis, former managing director of Linda McCartney foods, has told the UK Guardian just how dedicated Paul McCartney was to improving the vegetarian food range of his late wife.

“He took over after Linda died and it was very helpful, he was very interested in the products, like when we developed vegetarian bacon – he ate it for breakfast everyday so was keen to get it right.”

Now veggie bacon is delish and all, but everyday for breakfast? That’s dedication!

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