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To prepare for the role in Stone, where a convict is eligible for early release for covering up the murder of his parents with a fire, Edward Norton traveled to talk to those behind real bars for answers. Real prisoners provided so much insight, Norton said 60% of the lines in the movie were changed based on their answers. If you’re looking to stay out of trouble, for example, be a vegetarian.

“At one point one of these guys was talking about a fight, and how he just had to let it happen,” Norton told Frothygirlz. “He said, “I’m three months out from review, I can’t get a ticket, I can’t get anything. When you are short time, you have to be a vegetarian.”

“I said, “What?” and he said,” A vegetarian, you can’t have a beef with nobody.”

While veggie has taken a place as slang in the slammer, those avoiding meat may be happier in general than those who don’t, thus making it less likely they’ll be picking a “beef” with anyone and jeopardizing a lot of things, including early parole.


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Corey Feldman Served First Vegetarian Meal By Michael Jackson

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, October 21st, 2010 in Actors, Animal Issues, Food & Drink.

Corey Feldman was introduced to vegetarianism by Michael Jackson. Literally.

In an interview with Las Vegas Weekly, the actor and musician revealed how the King of Pop served him his first vegetarian meal and how Feldman’s mother got him acquainted with the animal welfare side of things.

“At at early age, I became a vegetarian. There was a lot of resistance from family — “It will stunt your growth. It can’t be healthy.” But it started on The Goonies with Steven Spielberg. And with Michael Jackson. His chef cooked me my first-ever vegetarian meal. Michael Jackson presented it to me! Going vegetarian at such a young age, it was a stance for myself. “I’m doing it. I don’t believe in eating animals. You can survive in other ways.”


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Like many men, Steve-O has an interest in breasts.

He recently told Vanity Fair how he really feels about those pink ribbons going around during the month of October for Breast Cancer Awareness.

“Let me tell you how I feel about these pink ribbons. I was watching the N.F.L. last week, and all the players were wearing pink. I don’t think they did anything to educate people about cancer prevention. I don’t think a pink ribbon does anything. What people need to know is that it’s the atrocious diet of Americans that’s responsible for all your cancer, all your heart disease, all your diabetes.”


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Actor Ernest Borgnine has the secret to living into your nineties.

Twice a day you can bet he’s beating the meat or choking the chicken, but this vegetarian isn’t tenderizing steak or being cruel to animals. Borgnine says the secret to staying healthy is staying away from meat and masturbating.

Borgnine told WENN, “I answered that question one time on Fox News. This fella kept bothering me all morning: ‘What do you do to keep yourself so worked up?’ Finally, I got sick and got tired and I forgot that I was miked. I reached over and replied, ‘I masturbate a lot!'”

“I also gave up meat about 35 years ago.”

Does Borgnine really have the secret to living a long, disease-free life? We already know a vegetarian diet is good for beating the main nasties in health like cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. But should masturbation be on the doctor’s recommendation list for wellness? Turns out beating the meat but not eating it has fantastic benefits for men and women.


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Adrian Grenier Shirt For Oceana

Adrian Grenier Shirt For Oceana

You can wear a dress decorated with fake plastic sustainable fish. Or you can purchase a t-shirt designed by Adrian Grenier to support ocean conservation.

This limited edition shirt available from GQ’s The Gentlemen’s Fund online store is 100% organic cotton and was produced by Nautica.

Available in S, M, L and XL, the shirts are $25 and 100% of the profits will benefit the ocean conservation group Oceana.


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Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will star alongside each other in Darren Aronofsky’s film, The Tiger. According to Entertainment.ie, the movie will be the first the couple has starred in together since Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

The Tiger centers around an animal rights activist who must save a village of people from a tiger who’s become accustomed to the taste of human flesh, a phenomena, according to Save The Tiger Fund, is rare.

Humans moving into areas where tigers inhabit and tigers that are too sick or injured to catch normal prey of wild pig, wild cattle and several species of deer are usually the causes of man-eating tigers’ behavior.


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If you’re looking for a bloody steak fit for a guy that does a bloody job at Detroit’s Inn Season Cafe, you can fuhgeddabout it, cause the toughest men eat tempeh and not turkey. Michael Imperioli, former star of The Sopranos, is hitting the restaurant between scenes for his new ABC television series “Detroit 1-8-7” to enjoy its meatless fare.

“Inn Season Cafe,” Imperioli said, when asked by Hour Detroit what his favorite hotspot in the city was. “I’m a vegetarian, so Inn Season is like culinary nirvana for me.”


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Leonardo DiCaprio Kicks Off IFAW Animal Action Week

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, October 6th, 2010 in Actors, Animal Issues, Children.

Leonardo DiCaprio has kicked off International Fund for Animal Welfare’s Animal Action Week, which is meant to get children involved with getting educated about animal welfare issues. The IFAW’s Animal Action Week is an 18 year old tradition that runs through October 10th, 2010.

This year’s theme for Animal Action Week is “Born to be Wild,” and it highlights the issue of tigers becoming extinct in the wild due to human influenced destruction like poaching and loss of habitat.

Tigers are dangerously close to vanishing forever,” said Mr. DiCaprio, an IFAW Honorary Board Member. “If we don’t want our children to grow up in a world where tigers are extinct, the time for action is now.”


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