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Archive for 2012

Alec Baldwin Hilaria Thomas

Alec Baldwin‘s vegan-friendly newlywed wife Hilaria may soon be getting her own televised yoga show.

At the Emmy Awards, the couple joked that since Alec’s 30 Rock series is soon coming to an end, Hilaria will have to “bring home the bacon” even thought they “don’t eat bacon.”

The celebrity yoga instructor has already posted several videos of herself teaching yoga moves on her YouTube channel.

Photo: Joella  Marano/Creative Commons

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Matt And Nat Inder Bedi On Vegan Bags And Office Polices

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012 in Business, Fashion.


Inder Bedi, founder of vegan, eco-friendly Matt and Nat handbags and accessories, spoke with the Edmonton Journal about the origins of Matt and Nat, the market for eco-friendly fashion and how he keeps the company’s offices meat-free.

Bedi even touches on the story that made headlines a couple of years ago regarding the employee who took legal action because she couldn’t bring her baloney (pun fully intended) to work.

Here are a few highlights from the interview:

Do people buy Matt and Nat because they support the vegan, eco-friendly philosophy?

A: “Most people buy it because they like the look. When they find out it’s vegan and we use recycled water bottles for linings and we use sustainable materials such as cork, they like that too.”

“I think the key thing in terms of design esthetic, is you have to do what you like and hope that people will appreciate it, versus chasing trends. It’s not a trendy line — it’s more timeless, minimalist.”

What influences Matt and Nat designs?

A: “Everything from architecture to art to music to food to vegan restaurants to fixing your bike … anything.”


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Anne Hathaway Gets Rescue Calf Named In Her Honor By PETA

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012 in Actresses, Animal Issues, Food & Drink.

Anne Hatahaway

Anne Hathaway‘s recent marriage to Adam Shulman was celebrated by both the happy couple’s friends and family and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

The animal rights group heard about Hathaway’s vegan-friendly options served at the ceremony and decided to name a calf in her honor.

Peter currently resides at The Cow Sanctuary in New Jersey.


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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012 in Birthdays, Politicians.

Al Sharpton

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

Photo: David Shankbone/Creative Commons

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Bill Clinton Could Be Vegan And President Of France

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012 in Food & Drink, Not So Vegetarian, Politicians.

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton was talking to Piers Morgan on the requirements for presidential candidacy when he  remarked that he could be the president of France for several reasons.

“There are only two countries I’m eligible to run for the leadership position is if I move to Ireland and buy a house, I can — I can run for president of Ireland, because of my Irish heritage.

“And because I was born in Arkansas, which is part of the Louisiana Purchase, any person anywhere in the world that was born in a place that ever was part of the French empire, if you move to — if you live in France for six months and speak French, you can run for president.”

French journalist Layla Demay has a different view of Clinton running France. In an article at the Huffington Post, Demay wrote she doubts anyone who doesn’t eat meat and dairy to ever hold such as position.


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Steve Niles Fun Fact–Vegan And Gardener

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012 in Authors, Food & Drink.

Steve Niles

Steve Niles is known for his horror comics like 30 Days of Night and Remains but not so much for his green thumb. Or his love of greens.

Until now.

During an interview, Niles was asked to name one fact that people may not already know about him.


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Amy Smart Wants Everything Organic (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012 in Actresses, Environment-Eco-Green, Food & Drink, Videos.

Amy Smart and other stars were asked at the 22nd annual Environmental Media Awards what they would do if they had superhero powers to make the world greener.

Place a cape on Smart and a pesticide zapping dagger in her hand as she says she “would make everything organic.”

That’s a great ideal, but you don’t need omnipotent organic superhero powers to make the world greener or even your family’s kitchen. Just pay attention to the major “monsters” of conventional that should be zapped–or at least bought in the organic form as often as possible.


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Bob Barker Jorja Fox Honored By Animal Defenders International

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012 in Actresses, Animal Issues, TV Hosts.

Bob Barker and Jorja Fox

Bob Barker and Jorja Fox will be honored at an event by Animal Defenders International on the evening of October 13.

The theme for the night will be “Lion Ark Night,” to celebrate ADI’s successful rescue of several lions from circuses in Bolivia after the country implemented a ban on animal circuses.


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