If you thought your homeowners’ association was strict, listen to plight of Guy Ritchie.
Guy has to get permission just to grow some fruits and vegetables on his property! It’s all part of a plan to green the estate he and Madonna once shared to make it more efficient.
Because of the historical significance of Ashcombe House in Wiltshire, England, he’ll need clearance to build a greenhouse and vegetable plots.
The planning application, according to Starpluse.com, reads as following:
“In the estate’s prime when it was painted in the 18th Century, it was surrounded by extensive gardens including major vegetable gardens. In recent years, all productive vegetable gardens have been lost. The gardens that remain are formal or semi-formal flower gardens.”
“It is proposed to try to make Ashcombe House self-sufficient. The part-walled gardens leading from the back door to the staff building will be turned over to vegetables and given a row of greenhouses to produce vines, fruit, early vegetables and seedlings… Produce from the greenhouses will be used on the estate, all part of an effort to make the estate more self-sufficient and sustainable.”
Sure hope Guy gets his application approved. Home grown produce is the least he can do to make up for the forced ham diet he puts the children on at Christmas.
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