Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, December 7th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Male Musicians, Male Singers, Not So Vegetarian.

Staind singer Aaron Lewis is becoming a locavore.
But don’t get too excited, because the only local food he’s harvesting requires gutting and draining of blood.
Lewis said after watching the documentary Food Inc., he’s come to appreciate the value of harvesting his own food.
“I have never killed anything that I did not eat,” Lewis said. “Even when I was a kid with a BB gun, being all irresponsible and shooting squirrels and robins, my dad made me eat it all. I’ve always believed if you kill something, you have to eat it, so you better make sure it tastes good. I hunt white-tailed deer. That is my favorite. I have also hunted turkeys and have done upland bird hunting, too, like pheasants and quail.”
Now, Lewis wants to showcase his, ahem, talents on television by participating in The Outdoor Channel‘s reality TV hunting show, Dream Celebrity Season.
The program will pair celebrities with everyday hunters and compete against each other as teams.
Perhaps they will also choose team names like “Cruel and Crueler” or “Cheney and His Next Victim.”
Lewis went so far as to say “Bring It On” when questioned about possible negative reactions from anti-hunting and animal rights groups.
Hope Lewis never says that to any of those Missouri deers that sometimes fight back.
Of course, vegetarians motivated by environmental reasons would argue that killing your own food doesn’t damage the planet like factory farmed meat.
Are you a veg that wouldn’t mind eating animals killed in the wild quickly, painlessly and that didn’t go to waste?
via starpulse.com
Photo: PR Photos
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