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You’ve heard it from Bill Clinton himself first. Now, the doctors behind his motivation for following almost a completely vegan diet are talking to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on how more people should adopt the plan that can prevent and reverse heart disease.

Dr. Dean Ornish has been Clinton’s physician consultant since 1993 and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn is the author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and the father of the Texas firefighter Rip Esselstyn who authored The Engine 2 Diet and convinced his fellow firemen at the station to eat veg to improve their health.

Dr. Esselstyn says, “When you do what President Clinton has done, when you completely try to remove any foods that are going to injure your vessel, the body has this remarkable capacity to begin to heal itself. And I’m afraid that as a medical profession we perhaps have fallen down and really emphasized too much the drugs and the procedures and the operations which really treat the symptoms. They do not treat the causes of these illnesses.”

The causes of these illnesses, Esselstyn insists, in continuing to eat “anything with a mother, anything with face.”


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Robin Quivers is training for her first marathon, which will take place in New York city in November. Quivers keeps her fans and interested readers updated on her progress and thoughts at more.com and recently, she brought up the subject of energy gels.

“I’d heard from some followers on Twitter that most gels were vegan and vegetarian-friendly. A friend had given me a brand to try, but how was I going to carry it? I already tote a big bottle of water around, so I couldn’t hold the gel at the same time. I decided to wear a belt with a pouch that I picked up once in the travel section of a drug store. It wasn’t perfect, but it should work.”

Several energy gels or shots exist for the vegetarian and vegan athlete, as well as recipes to make them from scratch. Gels are designed to replace carbohydrates and electrolytes during physical activity.


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Hugh Jackman has written to Nancy Pelosi, urging the Speaker of the House that the Improving Nutrition for America’s Children Act is passed this month. Sounds as if the actor who considered going vegan for the Wolverine sequel wants the same for America’s children as well.

In a letter to Pelosi, Jackman wrote:

“This crucial legislation would help schools serve more plant-based foods — fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes — because these foods have been shown to help children maintain a healthy weight and avoid disease. Schools should be able to purchase low-cost fruits and vegetables, and they should also have access to vegetarian entree options.”


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Bill Clinton doesn’t do dairy, but he enjoys drinking almond milk. This and other details were revealed to Wolf Blitzer on CNN as Clinton explained how he’s participating in a study to determine if individuals can reverse their heart disease damage by eating vegan. A little bonus for Bill is that his body is looking as sleek as it did in his high school yearbook.

“I live on beans, legumes, vegetables, fruit,” Clinton said. “I drink a protein supplement every morning. No dairy. I drink almond milk mixed in with fruit and a protein powder. So I get the protein for the day when I start the day out. And it changed my whole metabolism and I lost 24 pounds. I got back to basically what I weighed in high school.”

Bill isn’t quite a vegan, as he still eats fish occasionally.

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The ad sponsored by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine linking McDonald’s to heart disease by showing a dead man in a morgue with a hamburger in his hand has sparked a lot of discussion, particularly among those that may not feel vegetarianism is necessary for health or that the fast food giant alone isn’t responsible for the mass epidemic of health problems.

So says Rachael Ray, who recently chimed in her thoughts to Joy Behar on HLN. Ray has confidence that many people would walk right past the golden arches if they only had enough change in their pockets to purchase healthier options. Therefore, it’s not about just wiping McDonald’s off the planet, but giving people the resources to choose better.

“It’s our problem as a country to make good food more affordable and more accessible to everyone,” Ray tells Behar.

Hear the rest of Ray’s thoughts and her suggestions for taking strides for better health in the video of the interview below.


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Ricky Williams has been asked to promote a line of wellness products for children and adults by SPO Medical Inc. and Brewer Sports International (BSI). The SPO Wellness line includes accessories such as a heart rate monitor and performance monitor wrist band.

A press release for the collaboration cites Williams’ healthy vegetarian diet as another bonus to his athletic fame.

“A healthy body, mind and spirit are the reasons I’ve been able to have longevity as a professional football player,” Williams said. “My philosophy regarding a healthy lifestyle can and should apply to everyone in our society. When you eat healthy, get adequate exercise and rest you are far more productive.”


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Who says vegetarians miss out on omega-3 fatty acids because the don’t eat fish?

Rachael Ray recently featured HIP snacks as the “Snack of the Day” on her show. HIP features a Chocolate HIP cookie, that is rich in vegetarian sources of omega-3s, along with nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, iron and anti-oxidants.

HIP Snacks, along with HIP World Foods, were originally created to fund Hip4Kids Inc., a non-profit program designed to teach kids about healthier eating. Founded a decade ago, Hip4Kids aimed to prevent childhood obesity and Type II diabetes.

The omega-3 in HIP cookies is obtained from Salvia Hispanica L., a chia grain that is also high in fiber.

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Brendan Brazier

Brendan Brazier

Brendan Brazier has an exclusive interview with VegNews on all the details of how actor Hugh Jackman got in touch with him for some advice on training on a vegan diet and how Jackman agreed to write the foreward for the vegan triathlete and supplement creator’s latest edition of his book Thrive.

“In the past he had eaten a lot of chicken for his role, but he took a lot of Vega, too. It turned out I was going to New York City so he said “well why don’t you just come over,” so I went over to his place and we had a great chat and he told me how he was trying out veganism for environmental and health reasons and to set a good example for his kids. It’s not just for his own career anymore, which he wrote in the forward. He was listing the reasons why he was interested in Thrive, and he was concerned for the environment. That’s definitely something that he was aware of, and wanted to help instead of hurt.”

More at VegNews.

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