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20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards - New York City

Oh, to be the best friend of Jane Velez-Mitchell, who sent her favorite people some chocolate without the butter, milk and or egg.

“Sent vegan Chocolates to the Atlanta crew for Xmas – so far they’re getting rave reviews!”

Unfortunately, not everyone works with Jane and the rest of vegans are left to fend for themselves when the cravings attack.

Instead of giving in to Snickers or the closest available piece of candy you’ll gobble down so fast you’ll forget you’re cheating, invest a little time in learning some brands of vegan chocolates.

There are brands you might not suspect to be vegan, like Trader Joe’s chocolate chips or some of Newman’s Own Chocolate Bars.

Other brands specifically market themselves as vegan like Endangered Species Dark Chocolate or Plamill Organic Vegan Chocolate.

Raiding Jane’s candy jar hidden in her file cabinet would probably be a great place too, but most of us will never experience that option.

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After the victory of preventing downer cattle from entering the food supply, the Humane Society of the United States would like to extend this rule to pigs as well.

Nicole Lapin, CNN anchor reports: “Not only cruel, but the Humane Society says it’s also dangerous to our health to have so-called downers enter into our food supply.”

Perhaps everyone should follow Lapin’s lead and go veg, excluding pigs and all animals from their diets.

The National Pork Producers Association insists proper precautions are already being made to ensure diseased pig product isn’t delivered to the consumer, but Dr. Michael Greger of the HSUS has a different opinion.

Watch to find out.

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Jane Velez-Mitchell Wants A Vegan Woman

Written by Vegetarian Star on Saturday, December 19th, 2009 in Journalists.

20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards - New York City

HLN anchor and journalist Jane Velez-Mitchell says she’s not opposed to dating a non vegan woman–if the woman was serious about getting her veggie act together!

“If they were on the way [to veganism]!” Jane said, according to The Scavenger. “One of the great things of meeting new people is to be able to expose them to an alternative way of living.”

But watch out, any woman who expects to date the vegan queen on CNN–remember what PETA’s president said about dating non vegetarians and dumping them once they come to the other side?

A few other highlights from the interview:

On how others react to her vegan diet and lifestyle:
People are curious. I don’t bring it up as much as people bring it up with me. So I’ll be in the makeup room and something will come up and the conversation will turn to me being vegan. It’s a radically different world in terms of how people view veganism even from five years ago. It’s much more mainstream and accepted.

On what prompted her to go vegan:
I’d always had compassion for animals but never really followed through. I was this sort of vegetarian that ate shellfish. Then I met Howard Lyman, the author of Mad Cowboy who was on Oprah. I did an interview with him and he asked if I ate dairy and I said yes and he called it ‘liquid meat’. From then on I went vegan in that moment and have never looked back. It radically transformed my health – the colds I had every year went and my energy levels went up.

Learn what Jane does in her spare time at scavenger.net.

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Brennan LaBrie “2010 Winter Olympics” Pescatarian Journalist

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, October 21st, 2009 in Food & Drink, Journalists.

Brennan LaBrie

Brennan LaBrie

Brennan LaBrie is a journalist set to cover the 2012 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Did we mention he’s only 10 years old?

The prodigy is one of several reporters nationwide for “Time For Kids” and we think this youngin’ is already making great investigative choices for his diet.

“I love to eat; I’m a vegetarian who eats fish,” he said.

Brennan didn’t give his reasons for eating vegetarian to the penisuladailynews, but we’re hoping this little reporter expands his portfolio one day, becomes the next male Jane Velez-Mitchell, and spotlights food, environment, nutrition, and animal welfare issues.

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Jane Velez-Mitchell Or Nicole Lapin: Who Would You (CNN Edition)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, October 14th, 2009 in Journalists, Polls/Surveys, Who Would You.

Jane Velez-Mitchell and Nicole Lapin are both CNN anchor gals who can report on the latest in the vegan lifestyle.

Jane always has an opinion-and has never been afraid to make it known by featuring animal welfare issues on her HLN show Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell.

Nicole reports the news on CNN.com Live! and says the best thing about being vegan is the cookies!

Between the two CNN vegan ladies, who would you rather…

20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards - Cocktails The 33rd Annual Gracie Allen Awards

Who Would You Rather Do Veggie Burger Lunch With?

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Nicole Lapin Loves Her Vegan Cookies

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, October 12th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Journalists.

Nicole Lapin

Nicole Lapin

Journalist Nicole Lapin, anchor for CNN.com Live, has been a proud vegan for six years and a vegetarian for 13 years.

When asked by green gossip site ecorazzi.com what the most rewarding part of going VEG was, Nicole answered, “vegan cookies.”

Oh, yeah.

There’s no sweeter product on the market than one that spares the lives of dairy cows that will eventually be sent to slaughter or that “gets rid of” baby male chicks that will never lay eggs.

A few favorite vegan cookies on our rewards list including Uncle Eddies, Nana’s (which serves up sweetness for the gluten-free folks), and Alternative Baking Company.

Check them out and request them at your local natural foods store.

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Jane Velez-Mitchell Ashleigh Banfield “iWant” Kaufman Concert Hall

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, October 7th, 2009 in Authors, Books, Events, Journalists.


Journalist Ashleigh Banfield will be interviewing Jane Velez-Mitchell about Jane’s new book, iWant: My Journey from Addiction and Consumption to a Simpler, Honest Life.

The event will take place on Sunday October 11 from 7:30 PM-8:30PM at the Kaufmann Concert Hall (as put on by the 92nd Street “Y”) – Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street.

Jane’s book, iWant follows the host of  HLN’s Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell as she journeys from addiction to empowerment, adopts a vegan lifestyle and devotes her life to animal welfare.

She has even devoted an entire chapter to this in iWant titled “Veganism/Animal Activism: I Want to Make a Difference.”

Velez-Mitchell often uses Issues as a platform to cover stories on animal cruelty and frequently has activist as guests.

For more information on the interview this Sunday, call 212-241-5500.

via helpmewithmybook.com

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Jane Velez-Mitchell Farm Sanctuary Walk For Animals 2009 (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, October 6th, 2009 in Events, Food & Drink, Journalists, Videos.

Jane Velez-Mitchell, one of several speakers featured at Farm Sanctuary’s Walk For Animals this past weekend, brings her dog for support as she stands up and gives a riling speech to the crowd.


Jane sounds just like she does on TV when she’s giving someone the diatribe!

Jane uses the story of the woman paralyzed from eating an e. coli tainted burger to make her point.

“When are people going to get it?” she asked. “What is bad and cruel to animals is bad and cruel to us.”

Right on, Jane!

“And why is it so many highly intelligent, sophisticated intellectuals can’t figure this out?”

“Because people don’t want to look in the mirror and face the truth about themselves.”


Watch the entire clip above and be sure to watch Part 1 on Jane’s speech too.

Thanks a bunch to Tracie.

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