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PETA Names Top Veggie Friendly NFL Stadiums

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, October 16th, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink.


PETA might not have agreed with the Philadelphia Eagles’ decision to give a contract to Michael Vick two years ago, but it does acknowledge that Lincoln Financial Field has some of the best vegetarian and vegan options available to fans who attend home games.

The Eagles won the #1 spot on the animal rights group’s “Top 5 Vegetarian-Friendly Stadiums 2012.”


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Jim Morris

Meet Jim Morris.

He’s a 77-year old bodybuilder.

Although that statement itself is newsworthy, there’s more. The former Mr. New York (1966), Mr. California (1970) and Mr. Universe (1977), turned vegetarian at 50, then vegan at 65.

Morris explained to Frugivore Magazine how dropping all animal products did much more than get him ripped.

“Prior to becoming vegan I suffered digestive problems all my life, mainly constipation. I started taking anti inflammatory medication in 1966 for my joints. At one point I was getting cortisone injections directly into both elbows every week. The arthritis kept me awake at night.”


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Tony LaRussa Gave Meat “One Last Strike” Years Ago

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, September 28th, 2012 in Animal Issues, Athletes-Games-Sports, Books, Food & Drink.

Tony LaRussa "One Last Strike"

Tony LaRussa is such a dedicated vegetarian, not even mom’s favorite lasagna would turn him back.

During an interview with the Daily Herald, LaRussa, who’s recently published a memoir of 33 seasons of managing Major League Baseball, One Last Strike, was asked if there was any meat dish he would give up being vegetarian for, if just for a day.


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Rich Roll On Missing Meat–“I’m Human” (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, September 28th, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Audio, Food & Drink, Videos.

Rich Roll

Rich Roll, vegan 40-something triathlete named one of Fitness Magazine‘s “25 Fittest Men in the World,” sat down for an interview with Brian Redban for the Joe Rogan Podcast.

Roll’s diet is certainly a factor that will come up in an interview, and he humorously touched on it during a conversation that also blended remarks on the quality of produce on a fast food sandwich.

When asked if he misses eating meat, Roll’s simply reply was, “I’m human.”

Go here for the audio of the episode or watch the video below.


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Detroit Lions

Detroit Lions and fans have one more vegetarian option to chew down on at halftime.

Ford Field has invited Detroit restaurant Slows BBQ to the Lions’ home turf to offer several of its gourmet sandwiches that will be prepared fresh at its own concession stand.

BBQ still means chicken, pork and brisket–especially in the midwest–but Slows isn’t slow at all when it comes to knowing Lions have veggie fans in the audience.

Allows us to introduce you to “The Genius.”

The Genius


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Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan has made the official announcement he’s no longer adhering to a 100% vegan diet.

The WWE athlete claims this is no longer feasible because he’s develop soy sensitivities.

“I became a vegan for health issues and then I developed a soy intolerance. So, I’ve been getting really sick lately. it’s a very unmanly way to stop being vegan, to have a soy intolerance. [Laughs.] But I was getting sick all the time, and they were trying to figure out what it was and they found out it was the soy.”

“Being on the road, being vegan and trying to get your protein in other than soy, there’s just nothing to eat. There’s soy in everything. Most of the vegan things you can eat are tofu dishes and whatnot, made out of soy.”


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New York Rangers Coach On “HLN” For Dog Walk (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, September 24th, 2012 in Animal Issues, Athletes-Games-Sports, Film & TV, Videos.

New York Rangers coach John Tortorella was a guest on HLN with Jane Velez-Mitchell discussing the very first John Tortorella NYC Dog Walk sponsored by him.

Tortorella’s foundation, the John & Christine Tortorella Family Foundation, partnered with Best Friends Animal Society to sponsor the event on September 9th. Proceeds donated benefited the Westchester Humane Society and other shelters in the area.


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Rich Roll Three Minute Advice And D.C. Veg Fest

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, September 18th, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink.

Rich Roll Finding Ultra

A lot can happen in three minutes, including some fantastic advice dispensed by a seasoned Triathlon competitor who’s been named one of Fitness Magazine’s “25 Fittest Men in the World.”

Rich Roll is also approaching 50 years and still does this all on a plant-based diet.

While many his age are shopping for orthopedic shoes, he’s still replacing his running ones.

What’s his secret?


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