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Archive for 2009

Daryl Hannah Turned Vegetarian After Baby Calf Experience

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, December 21st, 2009 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

Benefit For The Whaleman Foundation

Do you remember the moment you took pork off the fork?

Actress Daryl Hannah met a calf she couldn’t resist and it only took one kiss for her to give up veal and other animals for the rest of her life.

“I was 11 and on a road trip with my family,” Hannah said. “I saw a truck with some baby calves on it and for about an hour I petted and kissed this one calf and he was kissing me. This man came up and I said, ‘Excuse me Sir, what’s this calf’s name?’ and he just said, ‘Veal, tomorrow morning at seven.’ ”

“That was it. I could no longer disassociate the meal on the plate from the creature it had been.”

via starpulse.com

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Christian Serratos PETA “Naked Ambition” Display Govinda Gallery

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, December 21st, 2009 in Actresses, Fur.

Christian Serratos Unveils Her PETA "Fur? I'd Rather Go Naked" Poster

Christian Serratos made an appearance at the recent exhibit of PETA anti-fur ads titled “Naked Ambition: 20 Years of PETA’s Sexy Celebrity Ads,” at the Govinda Gallery on M Street in Georgetown, Washington, D.C. this weekend.

The exhibit is free to the public through the month of December.

The Twilight star is the latest to join dozens of celebrities preaching the anti-fur message by stripping down to their bare skin.

Besides the ad featuring the lovely Christian, what’s your favorite PETA anti-fur ad?

via justjared and via nbcwashington.com

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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Sunday, December 20th, 2009 in Birthdays, Misc Artists and Performers.

Uri Geller's show in Moscow

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

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Pamela Anderson For Mayor–Be Veggie For A Day Campaign

Written by Vegetarian Star on Saturday, December 19th, 2009 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

Pamela Anderson Learns How to Snowboard from Olympic Team!

You already know that Dennis Kucinich would make everyone eat vegan brownies if he were dictator.

Now, Pamela Anderson has revealed how she would run the town if she were mayor.

“I would start a ‘Be Veggie for a Day’ campaign,” the blond sex symbol said.

If Pamela ever joins government in London, she’ll be able to direct everyone where to eat during Veggie Day.

“I love all vegetarian restaurants in London. There was a great one I found last time I was here called Mildreds on Lexington Street in Soho. I went to San Lorenzo on Beauchamp Place recently with my manager Peter Asher; it was delicious. We went with Marc Quinn, the sculptor, after our session working together, and we ran into Twiggy. I used to love going to Sketch with the handsome TV presenter Steve Jones but that was a long time ago.”

via thisislondon.co.uk

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Sandra Bullock “The Blind Side” Oscar Hopeful, Veg Lasagna Master

Written by Vegetarian Star on Saturday, December 19th, 2009 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

'The Blind Side' New York Premiere

Will Sandra Bullock win an Oscar this year?

Many of the Academy Award watchers are predicting Miss Congeniality will nab a man statue of her own this year with her latest film, The Blind Side.

Although she might give an acceptance speech in front of millions for the first time, Sandra seems pretty happy with her performance in the kitchen for right now.

The Envelope writes that Sandra claims her greatest achievement of the week was, “cooking perfect vegetarian lasagna for her stepdaughter.”

There’s also the next big task of Sandra getting a Christmas tree this year.

If the perfect vegetarian lasagna is on your list of achievements this holiday season, take your pick from this list of recipes, which offer every combination from Tofu and Artichoke to Kosher Matzo.

Or cheat with an already prepared frozen lasagna from Amy’s Kitchen.

Whichever you choose, don’t forget to wear the waterproof mascara–you’ll need it after thanking friends and family for nominating you for best vegetarian chef.

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Jane Velez-Mitchell Wants A Vegan Woman

Written by Vegetarian Star on Saturday, December 19th, 2009 in Journalists.

20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards - New York City

HLN anchor and journalist Jane Velez-Mitchell says she’s not opposed to dating a non vegan woman–if the woman was serious about getting her veggie act together!

“If they were on the way [to veganism]!” Jane said, according to The Scavenger. “One of the great things of meeting new people is to be able to expose them to an alternative way of living.”

But watch out, any woman who expects to date the vegan queen on CNN–remember what PETA’s president said about dating non vegetarians and dumping them once they come to the other side?

A few other highlights from the interview:

On how others react to her vegan diet and lifestyle:
People are curious. I don’t bring it up as much as people bring it up with me. So I’ll be in the makeup room and something will come up and the conversation will turn to me being vegan. It’s a radically different world in terms of how people view veganism even from five years ago. It’s much more mainstream and accepted.

On what prompted her to go vegan:
I’d always had compassion for animals but never really followed through. I was this sort of vegetarian that ate shellfish. Then I met Howard Lyman, the author of Mad Cowboy who was on Oprah. I did an interview with him and he asked if I ate dairy and I said yes and he called it ‘liquid meat’. From then on I went vegan in that moment and have never looked back. It radically transformed my health – the colds I had every year went and my energy levels went up.

Learn what Jane does in her spare time at scavenger.net.

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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Saturday, December 19th, 2009 in Actresses, Birthdays.

Spike TV's 7th Annual Video Game Awards 2009 - Arrivals

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

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Michelle Obama Vegetable Garden Gears Up For Winter

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, December 18th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Gardening, Politicians.

Michelle Obama and local students harvest the White House kitchen garden in Washington

The worst part about winter (besides being stuck in the snow, high heating bills and dry skin) is having to miss out on all the seasonal produce you now have to buy frozen.

Sam Kass and the rest of Michelle Obama‘s staff is protecting the White House organic garden this winter by using “hoop houses” that will help the cabbage, spinach, carrots and other produce absorb heat and protect from frost.

“Sugar doesn’t freeze, so spinach produces extra sugars in the winter to protect itself from frost,” Kass blogged. “It tastes almost like candy.”

Hmm…Is a veggie lover in the garden like a kid in a candy store?

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