Quantcast Vegetarian StarDictator Dennis Kucinich–“Everyone Eats Vegan Brownies”

Representative Dennis Kucinich completed an interview with reddit.com and gave a deliciously surprising answer when asked, “What would you do if you could be dictator of the United States for a day?”

“Well, I think I would order everyone to have vegan chocolate chip brownies,” Kucinich said.

Ah, the torture!

Kucinich and his wife Elizabeth are both vegans, and constantly voice their support for the lifestyle, including lobbying for vegetarian lunches in schools.

Where were the Kucinichs’ when you were forced to eat cardboard sandwiches at lunch?

“I’ve been a vegan since 1995, and as a result I’ve had great health, tremendous energy, and mental clarity … I had Crohn’s disease as a kid, and a pretty severe case of it, but when I changed my diet my symptoms began to disappear.”

Watch the video and eat your vegan brownie already, before Dictator Kucinich punishes you!

via washingtonscene.thehill.com

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4 Responses to “Dictator Dennis Kucinich–“Everyone Eats Vegan Brownies””

  1. Maryanne Appel Says:

    If I could point to one major problem with our government it would be that there is only one Dennis Kucinich.

    Unique among our legislators are Rep. Kucinich’s views on peace within our families, in our communities, and throughout the world. Speaking of veganism as a very positive way to sustain human health and to co-exist in peace with members of other species shows a courage that is

    I believe that our nation will never escape the quagmire it now finds itself in until those who represent us in government progress, as Dennis Kucinich has, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.

  2. Maryanne Appel Says:

    The second paragraph of my comment should end with “…shows a courage that is rare among our public officials.”

  3. Kim Says:

    I totally agree Maryanne. Dennis is one amazing gentleman.

  4. Vegan Dennis Kucinich Will Eat Hamburger For Soccer Says:

    […] consuming a cheese log and milkshake over the next penalty call. Maybe he should feed the U.S. team vegan chocolate chip brownies as a consolation […]