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Meatless Mouthful: Why Rise Against’s Brandon Barnes Went Veg

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, January 23rd, 2009 in Male Musicians, Meatless Mouthful.

greendaii on Flickr

“I became vegetarian for three major reasons. I was tired of giving money to businesses and organizations that practice animal cruelty, pollute the environment, and clear cut forest for cattle fields.”

—-Rise Against drummer Brandon Barnes, in an interview, when asked why he became vegetarian.

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Veg Man Chris Martin Hates Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop: Wonder Why

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, January 20th, 2009 in Actresses, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Musicians arriving at the 2008 Q Awards held at the Grosvenor Hotel - London

It’s no secret we have jumped on Gywneth Paltrow’s turkey eating behind for her website Goop, which has regularly recommended a plethora of meat dishes, even though she has claimed that she and hubby Chris Martin are “pretty much vegetarians” at home.

It seems that husband Chris, frontman for Coldplay, has issues with her site as well. According to Showbiz Spy, the website is causing friction in their marriage.

“He hates any exposure outside of what he considers necessary – his music, charity work and her acting. He thinks Goop’s self-indulgent and hates the speculation that the advice she gives on relationships or family problems may be an insight to their own personal life.”

Granted, the source did say family problems or relationships. However, Chris might be also ticked off that the site is causing other types of speculations. Like maybe, they actually eat turkey in their personal life? Chris has been known to be a vegetarian for some time, (World’s Sexiest, to be exact) before Gwyneth even told everyone about their “pretty much vegetarian” life at home.

The source continues, “Gwyneth doesn’t want to come across as a hypocrite.”

But oh, how she is doing so.

“She knows people will think that advice she’s put on the site is a reflection of what’s happening in her own life, but if she distances herself from those assumptions, people wouldn’t buy into Goop.”

So that’s it! Gywneth really isn’t a turkey burger eating, fish sucking gal at home after all. She’s just pretending to be to attract carnivorous fans.

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Paul McCartney poses for photos during an impromptu photo op in NYC

Paul McCartney was a guest on the Howard Stern show recently. After hearing “Howard Stern,” you know immediately the show was at least a little PG, as evident in the transcript over at the Examiner.

Stern told his vegan sidekick, Robin Quivers, to “show Paul her breasts.” McCartney, being the gentleman he is, immediately protested, to which Quivers responded, “I’ve been rejected by Paul McCartney.”

McCartney is in the U.S. to attend the inauguration next week and Quivers tried to smooth talk her way into coming along by reminding him of their shared interests.

“I’m a vegan, too. Take me to the inauguration. Kids love me.” Paul is only vegetarian, but close enough.

Neither breasts, nor shared diet could win over Paul, but he did share some insight on why he feels it’s okay to eat dairy, such as eggs.

When Stern asked, “Isn’t an egg a chicken abortion?” Paul replied it wasn’t and said “We don’t like to think of it like that.”

Hens abandon their eggs in nature, so that’s why it’s okay and not animal cruelty, he explained.

Time for you vegans to shout out! What do you think about Paul’s rationale? Some say that meat is okay because animals kill each other in nature. Is his argument similar?

Speak now. And if you want to give your opinion on if he should have looked at Robin’s breasts, that’s fine too.

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Ellen DeGeneres Makes Parade Magazine’s Veg Slide Show

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, January 14th, 2009 in TV Hosts.

35th Annual People's Choice Awards - Portraits

But Gwyneth Paltrow did too, so we’re not sure how much of a compliment this is to newly vegan Ellen.

Parade Magazine has compiled a slide show of celebrity vegetarians and vegan Ellen DeGeneres made the meatless cut.

Before Ellen even turned vegan she was huge supporter of animal issues, such as Prop 2. She also recommends eating organic and local.

Other celebrities featured include honeymooner Woody Harrelson, Paul McCartney, and Alicia Silverstone.

Some of Parade’s readers think the list doesn’t best represent Hollywood’s vegetarians, and notables like vegan Natalie Portman are absent.

Even Gwyneth Paltrow is still winning veggie trophies, much to some readers’ dismay. As one person commented on the site:

Gwyneth Paltrow is not a vegetarian. What vegetarian would discuss cooking a turkey on Thanksgiving?! Which she did on her website.

Ah, nothing quite like the truth.

View the other celebrities and see if your favorite has been left out.

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Gabe Saporta Saporta Las Bunnies!

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, January 12th, 2009 in Fur, Male Musicians, Male Singers.


Please excuse our butchering of the beautiful Spanish language, but if it gets your attention to a good cause, it was worth it.

Hottie Gabe Saporta of Cobra Starship is cuddling up with one of his favorite bunnies (as good as he looks, he’s gotta be giving Hugh Hefner a run with several) for an anti-fur campaign for PETA.

If you’re wondering where you remember Gabe, it was probably Cobra Starship’s song “Snakes on a plane (Bring It)” for the movie Snakes on a Plane. View the music video for more hottness and refresh your memory.

Back to the cause. Gabe babe is a vegetarian (bonus points) who doesn’t want anyone eating or wearing his little friends, like Thumper, shown here.

If you’d like to own something Gabe and the other band members have touched, enter to win a drumhead used by bandmate Nate Novarro and autographed by everyone in Cobra Starship before January 15th.

You’ll be notified by January 22nd if you’ll have the item laced with all of their lovely DNA.

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Meatless Mouthful: Tofu Does It For Pat Thetic Of Anti-Flag

Written by Vegetarian Star on Saturday, January 10th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Meatless Mouthful.


Hugo Royer on Flickr

“I do like the tofu. I’m a big fan of sweet and sour tofu, that’s good stuff.”

—-Pat Thetic of musical group Anti-Flag, who obviously likes his tofu done a certain way just like Tobey Maguire.

Is there a way you do your tofu? Or is seitan more of your thing? Share your ideas and recipes.

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Who Would You: Pick Your Fall Out Boy

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, January 7th, 2009 in Male Musicians, Male Singers, Polls/Surveys, Who Would You.

Singer Patrick Stump is for those who like submissive types, as he won’t even speak up to get a good vegetarian meal, settling for the mundane salad. Drummer Andy Hurley looks exciting with his tattoos, but truth be told, he’s just a non-eventful straight edge who likes to make up health drinks in his spare time. Blah! But still, which member of Fall Out Boy would you…

The 2007 mtvU Woodie Awards - Arrivals
The Young Wild Things Tour

Who Would You Rather Do Veggie Burger Lunch With?

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U2’s Larry Mullen Jr. Found Morocco A Mess For Veg Eatin’

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, January 5th, 2009 in Male Musicians.

Music Industry Trusts' Awards 2008 - Inside

Bollywood actor Rajneesh Duggal was stuck eating veggies and rice every day after discovering France wasn’t the vegetarian mecca of the world during his visit.

He’s not the only one who feels the pain of trying to stick to your eating habits while overseas.

Larry Mullen, Jr., drummer for the band U2, described the food as being less than pleasant when he visited Morocco years ago.

“Bono had been talking about this religious festival and he mentioned it to me, thinking that I’d shoot it down. And I said, “Actually, that’s a good idea, I’d like to go back to Morocco.” The last time I was there the food was shite. I was vegetarian, full-blown, verging on vegan, and so it was a difficult time. But underneath all the cultural shock I enjoyed it. So i was happy to go back. I felt musically it would be a very good thing.”

via U2 France

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