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Meat’s Not Green Says Various Musical Artists

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, March 13th, 2009 in Environment-Eco-Green, Videos.

Meat’s not green and these bands are giving the shout out to let everyone know.

Rise Against, Sierra, Cisco and Swayze, Trivium, Evergreen Terrace, Sky Eats Airplane, TAT, Charlotte Sometimes, Pierce the Veil, Say Anything, Ludo, and Dr. Manhattan all want people to try not to eat meat (or as much of it) because so many resources are wasted getting the animal from the farm to the plate.

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Slice Of Vegan Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, March 11th, 2009 in Birthdays, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Children Mending Hearts Gala - Gala And Performances

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

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KRS-One’s “Beef” Offers Blast From The Past

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, March 10th, 2009 in Male Singers, Videos.

Here it is! A blast from the 90s past and the song behind Afya Ibomu’s mother prompting her to switch her daughter to a vegetarian diet.

If you recall, Afya Ibomu was Erykah Badu’s nutritionist while on tour in 2003, and she has her own vegan soulfood cookbook  out now!

Some lyrics from KRS-One’s “Beef”:

Let us begin now with the cow
The way it gets to your plate and how
The cow doesn’t grow fast enough for man
So though his greed he makes a master plan
He has drugs to make the cow grow quicker
Through the stress, the cow get sicker
21 Different drugs are pumped
Into the cow in one big lump
Just before it dies, it cries in the slaughter full of germs and flies
Off with the head, they’ve packed it, drained it, and cart it
And there it is in your local supermarket
A corpse, neatly packed
And you wonder about heart attacks?

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51st Annual Grammy Awards - Press Room

Paul McCartney is giving the thumbs up to the Vegetarian Society for using his late wife Linda’s recipes in its new cooking classes.

“It’s fabulous to see a course inspired by Linda and her recipes, which will in turn, hopefully, inspire cooks of the future,” McCartney said. “Those of us in her family are very proud that the Vegetarian Society has chosen to honour Linda in this way.”

The Cordon Vert School is located in the headquarters of the Vegetarian Society in London.

The curriculum will be officially launched later this month, and the actual courses will be offered in May, August, and October.

Linda McCartney was a longtime vegetarian and activist who inspired Paul to become one. She published vegetarian cookbooks and started her own line of frozen vegetarian foods, which was recently revamped with help from the McCartney family.

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Slice Of Vegan Birthday Cake To (drum roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, March 2nd, 2009 in Birthdays, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

The 2008 Q Magazine Awards

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

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Justin Sane: It Sucks Not Eating Meat!

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, February 26th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians.

Vans Warped Tour

Anti-Flag’s guitarist Justin Sane is vegetarian, but he’s willing to admit he likes meat.

From an interview with Alter The Press:

“So it’s really environmentally unfriendly to eat meat, most people don’t realise, but it’s something I try and get across: If you want to be an environmentalist, you really should be a vegetarian. That said, i really do miss meat, it sucks not eating meat! But it’s something i’m willing to give up for what i believe in.”

It’s nice to hear an honest response like that from someone so passionate about their vegetarianism. While it’s easy for those of us who vomit at the smell of ribs at your brother-in-law’s cookout every 4th of July to avoid meat, some vegs are really holding back from sinking their teeth into a rib-eye because of their beliefs.

And since simmering dead flesh is thrown at us more than sex in advertisement, it must be harder for them to restrain from temptation than it is for the Twilight Vegetarian Vampires to keep from sucking on their classmates in homeroom.

Enter fake meats.

In the beginning, there were simple veggie burgers. Now, we have veggie hot dogs, bacon, and sausages in every variety from Polish to Italian. What’s even better is that it’s easier to fulfill our “needs” more than ever as mainstream grocery stores are stocking up their vegetarian aisles and private and public establishments serving food have meatless options.

Are you a carnivore at heart who refrains because of your beliefs? What’s your favorite fake meat to keep you going?

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Play Guess That Veg Celeb At FitSugar!

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, February 23rd, 2009 in Actors, Actresses, Female Musicians, Female Singers, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

The lovely bloggers at Fitsugar have created a little quiz.

You’re given a pair of celebrities and you have to choose which one is vegetarian! There are a total of 10 pairs in the quiz.

Hop over to Fitsugar to take the quiz and test your vegetarian celebrity knowledge.

If you’ve been doing your homework (cough, cough reading this blog regularly), you should have no problem acing the exam.

Not to brag or anything, but we got every question correct.

It’s tough being a curve setter. So much pressure.

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Brigitte Bardot Wants Obama’s Seal Of Approval

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, February 23rd, 2009 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

Bridgitte Bardot Travels to Romania to Save Street Dogs

Brigitte Bardot, longtime vegetarian and animal activist and actress, is asking for U.S. President Barack Obama’s help in preventing the death of seals every season during Canada’s annual seal hunt.

Bardot said she has “immense hope” in Obama, “even if I know that he is in demand from all directions and he already has a lot to do in his own country.”

The timing of her letter writing coincided with Obama’s recent visit to Canada.

Several other celebrities have spoken in opposition to the hunt, such as Canadian natives Pamela Anderson and Bryan Adams, and most recently Nigel Barker documenting the lives of the animals before they are clubbed, in his film, A Sealed Fate.

Last year, the quota for clubbed seals was 275,000. After being killed, the seals are skinned for their pelts, which are later sold. 

The United States has banned all Canadian seal products since 1972 and the European Union is considering a similar ban.

Source: Washington Post

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