Quantcast Vegetarian StarJamie Oliver (3)

Jamie Oliver appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live with the superintendent from the Los Angeles Unified School District, John Deasy. The two made the announcement that starting next fall, flavored milks like chocolate and strawberry will no longer be served at schools because of their sugar content.

“There’s more sugar per ounce in flavored milk than there is in a can of soda,” Oliver said. “If you think about a little 4-year old to an 18-year old [drinking this] sometimes twice a day–just flavored milk–in their time at school and then you’re worried about diabetes?”

There is a slight catch to the deal though. If the school system can find flavored milks without added sugar, it may reintroduce them back into the cafeterias. And unfortunately, there is still not enough talk about adding a non-dairy beverage to school menus like rice, almond or soy.

Oliver and Deasy can be viewed below.


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Jamie Oliver Talks Importance Of Organic And Local With Maria Rodale

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, April 21st, 2011 in Chefs, Children, Food & Drink.

Unlike the Los Angeles Unified School District, not everyone is so secretive about their kitchen when it comes to letting Jamie Oliver snoop around.

Maria Rodale, CEO and Chairman of American publisher Rodale Inc., had a discussion with Oliver about the importance of organic and local food and children’s nutrition for her column, “Maria’s Farm Country Kitchen.”


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Jamie Oliver‘s second season of Food Revolution premiers tonight at 8/7 C on ABC.

Here’s a little clip which focuses on the Los Angeles Unified School District’s decision to forbid Oliver from entering their schools and the surprising reactions from listeners to Ryan Seacrest‘s radio show. Parents of children in the school system call in to describe in every detail why Oliver should have been admitted.


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Despite being “kicked out of school,” Jamie Oliver has successfully completed filming season 2 of his Food Revolution show. After the Los Angeles Unified School District refused to let him into any of their cafeterias, Oliver, being the feather ruffling genius that he is, continued his mission of revamping diets of some of the poorest families in the city with his mobile food truck and other antics.

Will it work? It probably won’t be easy.

As one woman in the preview mentions, “It is easier to get a gun, crack, or a prostitute in a lot of areas in Los Angeles before you can get a tomato.”


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Jamie Oliver Food Revolution Truck Behind The Scenes (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, March 4th, 2011 in Chefs, Food & Drink, Videos.

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Food Truck

BBC News has a nice clip of what Jamie Oliver‘s Food Revolution truck looks like inside and out. The chef will be touring some of the most impoverished neighborhoods of Los Angeles with the vehicle to teach cooking skills to individuals, children and families.

The truck that will make stops in South LA, Boyle Heights, Long Beach and Santa Ana contains eight full kitchen stations, plasma screens and an inflatable stage.

Click on the picture to view the video.

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Jamie Oliver On Lamb Killing–More People Would Go Vegetarian

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, March 3rd, 2011 in Animal Issues, Chefs, Food & Drink.

Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver sparked controversy when he killed a lamb on television a few years ago. Part of the reason animal activists were so disturbed was because the animal had not been stunned before its throat was slit.

In hindsight, Oliver said he would never perform such an act again. But if every meat eater did that, there might be less of them.

From his interview with LA Times:

“I’ve probably ordered about 10,000 in my career. When you’re there in the village, and it’s their normal tradition, I actually felt quite shallow if I didn’t do it. Did I like it? No, it was bloody horrible. Will I do it again? Probably not.”

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Jamie Oliver

The Los Angeles school systems aren’t letting Jamie Oliver into their kitchens like he was able to do during his last filming of Jamie Oliver’s Revolution, a show where he tried to improve the eating habits of people in a small West Virginia town.

But that isn’t stopping him from using educational props to make a production about the quality of beverages available to students.


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Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver have taken eel off menus in their restaurants after receiving criticism from conservationists.

The seafood was served at Ramsay’s London restaurant Maze as well as La Veranda in Versailles, France, where he is a consultant. Oliver sold European eel at his London restaurant, Fifteen.

Ironically, both chefs have also recently appeared on the UK television series, “Big Fish Fight,” about sustainable fishing.


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