Quantcast Vegetarian StarJamie Oliver On Lamb Killing–More People Would Go Vegetarian

Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver sparked controversy when he killed a lamb on television a few years ago. Part of the reason animal activists were so disturbed was because the animal had not been stunned before its throat was slit.

In hindsight, Oliver said he would never perform such an act again. But if every meat eater did that, there might be less of them.

From his interview with LA Times:

“I’ve probably ordered about 10,000 in my career. When you’re there in the village, and it’s their normal tradition, I actually felt quite shallow if I didn’t do it. Did I like it? No, it was bloody horrible. Will I do it again? Probably not.”

“But if everyone in the world had to do that, maybe there’d be more vegetarians, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But I think it would make everyone respect [what they eat]. To be a meat eater — I feel so strongly [about] having respect for it. It was a really quite emotional moment for me.”

While in LA to film the second season of his show that aims to improve Americans’ diets, Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, Oliver has set up free cooking classes.

It’s a safe bet that his mobile kitchens don’t involve pens housing the day’s dinner next to the refrigerator.

If Oliver is correct in his assumption of what witnessing such a act would do for a person’s dietary preference, maybe they should.

Photo: PR Photos

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5 Responses to “Jamie Oliver On Lamb Killing–More People Would Go Vegetarian”

  1. Katherine Says:

    I don’t get how meat eaters say they have ‘respect’ for the animal they are eating. I respect my grandmother but that doesn’t mean I’m going to slit her throat and make a hamburger.
    How are you showing ANY respect to them? Or when they say that they are grateful to the animal, as if the lamb, cow, pig, etc. offered their lives for breakfast.

  2. Taty Says:

    No Katherine, meat eaters CAN respect animals. The big problem is that by advocating vegeterianism, many vegetarians only alienate meat eaters. The real thing that people should understand, is that you can choose to eat meat BUT you should NEVER close your eyes on how animal are treated. That’s to say it’s especially meat eaters who should mobilize themselves to ask better treatment of cattle, painless ways of killing, more controls in slaughterhouses concerning animal welfare, etc. THIS is what vegeterians should insist upon.
    You know, lions kill antilopes, it’s natural, you can’t say they are mean to antilopes. The same way you can’t say people are mean to eat meat. But it’s really pathetic when people close their eyes on how what there is in their plate was treated and killed…

  3. Eating Flesh… | Michelle Greenman Says:

    […] “But if everyone in the world had to do that, maybe there’d be more vegetarians, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But I think it would make everyone respect [what they eat]. To be a meat eater — I feel so strongly [about] having respect for it. It was a really quite emotional moment for me.” Source […]

  4. Juliet Alizi Says:

    I always so liked Jamie Oliver, love his kindness, positive energy and a smile, he seemed like such a nice British guy. Until that day when he killed a child …! Yes a child because the lamb is a child! I grew up in the village, we were playing with the lambs they were so smart and cute, they nuzzle my knees and lick on the cheek … I’m a vegetarian 12 years, and I think every normal person should,t eat a warm-blooded creatures. It’s like eat people – the same! I’m shocked. I did not expect ..from Jamie he was my favorite chef! very normal person should be vegetarian!

  5. Juliet Alizi Says:

    Taty , No. Nope. Lions kill antilopes, BECOUSE he is a predator, but we not! People by nature – a vegetarian! Read some nice book about (by it for Kindle on Amazon ).