Quantcast Vegetarian StarRachael Ray Was Right–Pit Bulls Are Nicer Dogs

Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray said she was devoting her life to only owning pit bull dogs because she wants to prove there are no bad dogs, only bad dog owners.

“I just think it’s my mission in life to prove to people that there’s no such thing as an evil animal,” Ray said. “There are only evil humans.”

The Food Network chef now has data to back up her opinion, as a study conducted by the American Temperament Test Society showed pit bulls scored higher in tests that measure a dog’s ability to get along with people and other animals.

The ATTS temperament test is administered to dogs that are at least 18 months old.

It consists of 10 tests that are divided into 5 categories and subtests: Behavior Towards Strangers, Reaction to Auditory Stimuli, Reaction to Visual Stimulus, Tactile Stimuli and Self-Protective/Aggressive Behavior.

Dogs are scored up to 100%, but there are a few naughty behaviors, such as “unprovoked aggression” and “strong avoidance” that warrant the big “F” on the test.

In 2010, the ATTS showed the American pit bull terrier scored an overall temperament rating of 83.9%, compared to the 77% score of the general dog population.

Many cities have already banned or are pushing for bans on owning certain types of dogs stereotyped for aggression. ATTS studies provide objective evidence that pit bull and other dog breed owners can use when questioning and fighting legislation that could make it illegal to keep what many consider one of the family.

For more information on the ATTS and temperament scores of other dog breeds, visit ATTS.org.

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