Vegetarian Ads Targeting Obama Children Serves Up Controversy
Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, August 5th, 2009 in Children, Food & Drink, Politicians.
An ad campaign created by the Physician’s Committee For Responsible Medicine is asking why some children have access to healthy, vegetarian lunches and others don’t.
Seems like an innocent question, but since this one is directed toward the children of the president of the United States, some feel it could backfire.
In the ad, Jasmine Messiah, an 8-year-old vegetarian from a Florida public school, asks, “President Obama’s daughters get healthy school lunches. Why don’t I?”
It’s all part of an ongoing effort calling for changes to the Child Nutrition Act, a program that sets the standards for school lunch, that’s up for reauthorization this year.
Several celebrities, including Tobey Maguire, Biz Stone, and Wyntergrace Williams have already called upon lawmakers to ensure every school, public or private, serves vegetarian options to students.
But some have said that a politicians’ children are off limits and the ad shouldn’t include a reference to Sasha and Malia.
Poltico.com writes:
“But media and political experts say the campaign could easily anger a popular president who has taken steps to shield his daughters from the spotlight. “This is not the way to win the heart of the president,” said Brookings Institution Governance Studies Director Darrell West. “It’s dangerous to target Obama’s daughters because many people view family members as off limits for political advocacy. That’s especially relevant in this case because his daughters are so young.”
Jasmine has also written a letter to the Obama daughters.
What you do think? Will the reference to his children anger president Obama, causing the campaign to backfire? Or is Mr. Obama a sensible man who knows something must be done to change what children are being fed for the majority of the year while becoming educated citizens?
To learn more about the campaign visit HealthySchoollunches.org.
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