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Ellen DeGeneres Sugar Cleanse Begs For Alternatives

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, February 17th, 2010 in Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness, TV Hosts.

Hope For Haiti Now: A Global Benefit For Earthquake Relief held in Los Angeles

Ellen DeGeneres went on a mission to give up processed sugar to gain energy (and maybe to ease that sexual tension between her and Simon on American Idol).

Giving up sugar doesn’t mean giving up sweetness, by the way.

Try alternatives like honey, agave nectar or rice syrup to sweet talk your way out of the white stuff.

Before you embark on any sugarless  journey, check with your doc first!

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Christina Pirello Top Healthy Ingredients

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, February 16th, 2010 in Chefs, Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.


Looking for a crash course on what foods to load up on during your next grocery visit?

Then look no further than to Christina Pirello‘s Top 10 Ingredients for a Healthy Life at the Huffington Post.

Healthy oils, soy foods and lean proteins such as beans are included with Christina’s advice on why you should grab these while they’re hot (or cold, frozen, canned, bulk…)

Take a canned tomato, for instance. It’s may actually be better for you than served fresh.

“Unlike a lot of canned foods, canned tomatoes contain most of their nutrients. That means that you still benefit from most of the antioxidants like beta-carotene, vitamins C and E and the ever popular lycopene, essential to reproductive health, which is actually more efficiently absorbed by the body when the tomatoes are canned or cooked. All this adds up to a fruit that can help prevent heart disease and some cancers. Plus, the luscious tomato is high in potassium, but low in sodium, so it can be helpful in fighting high blood pressure and fluid retention.”

“Just be sure to buy canned tomatoes without salt. You can season them yourself. And skip the brands that add sugar. It’s not needed; tomatoes have an inherent sweetness that needs no enhancement. Do I need to tell you that organic tomatoes are best?”

Not really, but Christina definitely needs to tell you what the other top healthy ingredients are. Find out at the Huffington Post.

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Dennis Kucinich & MPs Mark The 4th Anniversary Of Iraq War

Michelle Obama recently spoke about her initiative  to reduce obesity rates in children.

The administration is requesting $10 million dollars over the next decade to improve the school lunch program, which includes making more fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products available.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine advocates a vegan diet, and two of its representatives, nutritionist Kathryn Strong and public affairs director Elizabeth Kucinich, the wife of representative Dennis Kucinich, have offered their insights.

Strong suggested that subsidies to the meat and dairy industries be cut. If these higher fat meat and cheese items aren’t as cheap, they may be less likely to be included as a regular option in schools.

Kucinich emphasized the value of healthy foods as preventative medicine for obesity related illnesses like diabetes.

“What is the cost to the nation if we don’t [consider it]?” she said, according to the Epoch Times.

Kucinich also emphasized that for some low-income children, the school meal might be the only meal they eat.

Dairy sensitivities and/or lactose intolerance is common in minority groups that are often over- represented in low income school districts.

A carton of soy milk replacing 2% on the lunch tray may give schools a better report card in future semesters.

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Dr. Mehmet Oz Vegetable Secret

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, February 12th, 2010 in Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.

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Dr. Mehmet Oz loves his veggies!

In a 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me article in US Magazine, Dr. Oz reveals his favorite vegetable is okra.

He also divulged one of his favorite songs is by John Mayer.

Definitely TMI.

Besides okra, when Dr. Oz goes grocery shopping, he probably picks up other healthy items he recommended to Palm Beach Post, like ginger, yogurt with rich anti-oxidant blueberries, and colorful vegetables, which, according to Oz, the deeper and darker the color, the better.

Are these the items Rocco the meat eating cowboy ate during Dr. Oz’s mandated vegan diet?

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Rush Limbaugh Too Liberal–Dr. Neal Barnard On Diet

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, February 11th, 2010 in Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness, Radio Hosts.

Dr. Neal Barnard

Dr. Neal Barnard

Back in December, Rush Limbaugh received a vegetarian care package from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) after he was hospitalized for chest pains.

If Rush hadn’t been such a filthy dirty liberal, he would have never landed there.

That’s right, Rush is about as loose as Howard Stern…when it comes to diet.

In an article from CrazySexyLife, Dr. Neal Barnard, president of PCRM says Rush and everyone else needs to be more conservative–or face dire health consequences.

“As a doctor, I’m offering one bit of advice, not just to Rush, but to all Americans: We need to be more conservative. As conservative as possible, in fact.”

“Indeed, people who stick to an entirely plant-based diet, as part of an overall healthy lifestyle, can do more than just prevent heart disease; they can actually reverse it, as was demonstrated in the now-classic studies of Dean Ornish, M.D.”

“The only good thing about a health scare is that it reminds us how important our diets and lifestyles are to our well-beings. It’s time to trade our cheeseburgers for veggie burgers, beef tacos for bean burritos, and remote controls for tennis shoes. Yes, that’s my prescription for Rush—but it’s also my prescription for us all.”

Sounds like a radio talk show to tune in to.

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“Glee” Lea Michele Vegan Diet Secret

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, February 8th, 2010 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.

Lea Michele arrives at the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards

Glee star Lea Michele has revealed the secret to why she is able to keep up with playing her annoyingly bubbly character Rachel Berry.

“I’m a vegan,” Lea told Ok! magazine. “It makes me feel really good and bright.”

“You need a lot of energy to play spunky Rachel Berry, so I’ve tried a lot of different things — and so far, this is working.”

The vegan diet must be working for her because Lea’s looking fabulous these days.

Makes you wonder why she didn’t get naked for that PETA ad she did awhile back.

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“I am 51, but look younger. My ­doctor thinks it is my veganism – I’ve been vegan since I was 13. I try not to have fried food and don’t drink ­alcohol or smoke. I also do yoga and t’ai chi. It’s important to learn how to be relaxed; if you are tense and miserable, it stamps itself on your face.”

—-Benjamin Zephaniah in The Guardian.

If you’re interested in knowing what foods are found in the fountain of youth, check out Benjamin’s grocery list.

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Kelly Osbourne Smells Like Vegetables

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, January 29th, 2010 in Celebrity Tweets, Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.

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Kelly Osbourne is smelling like vegetables!

During a recent Tweet, she shared this lovely fact that may have been TMI:

“i smell like a vegetarian I am sweating the smell of vegetables! it keeps making me laugh!”

Is Kelly smelling great because she’s following the rules of the Meat-Free Monday camapaign she showed up to support months ago?

If you’re a veg, you already know you smell better than the carnivores, but here’s a little scientific evidence to back up your claim.

When researchers put several men on meat and non-meat diets for 2 weeks, the odors of the non-meat eaters were judged to be more attractive, more pleasant and less intense.

Guys headed for the clubs tonight might want to chow down on some celery.

It might just be your lucky vegetable.

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