Leilani Munter Wants Team To Watch Over “The Cove” In Japan
Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, September 23rd, 2010 in Animal Issues, Athletes-Games-Sports.

Leilani Munter. Credit: Alan Moore
Dolphin killings have resumed at The Cove in Japan, despite awareness brought to the issue by the award winning documentary with the same title. Leilani Munter had written about her plans to visit the area awhile ago, and VegNews caught up with her to get an update on her activist experience.
The race car driver explained that while the activists are watching the area during the season from September through March, the hunters don’t do much killing. But there are not enough people to keep vigil through that entire time, something she’d like to change.
“What we’re trying to do is get a whole team of people to Taiji, and be there for the whole killing season, which is September through to March, because that’s really what needs to happen. If it’s our presence there that’s deterring the killing then we can’t just be there for a week from September 1. That’s the challenge, and for that reason I’m going back to Taiji in a couple of weeks.”
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