Quantcast Vegetarian StarLeilani Munter Athletes Go Green Video–Cut Meat For Cleaner Earth

Race car driverĀ Leilani Munter has recorded a PSA for Athletes Go Green on the effects of food on the planet as a way to raise environmental awareness.

Eco friendly racing is not an oxymoron when you’re Leilani, who encourages fans to get involved by putting recycling bins at the track, selling clothing made from plastic bottles and recruiting sponsors to display their green messages during race time.

Now she’s hoping NASCAR and IndyCar fans will skip the barbeque after the next big race.

“I think a lot of people don’t realize that more greenhouse gas emissions go into our atmosphere from raising animals for food than all of the planes, trains, ships, automobiles, SUVs and all other forms of transporation combined,” Leilani says in the video. “Raising animals produces methane, which is 21x more heat trapping than CO2. So if you want to do something good for the environment that’s easy to do, cut back on your meat intake.”

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