Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Leilani Munter Isn’t Just Any Veggie, Treehugger

Photo: Phil Cavali

Photo: Phil Cavali

“If I was just another vegetarian, tree hugging, biology graduate asking people to give up meat and stop using plastic bags, I don’t know how many people would be listening to me. But because I drive a race car, I have an ability to reach a new audience of people that most environmentalists are probably not talking to.”

Leilani Munter, (from Savings) race car driver who’s publicly spoken out about environmental and vegetarian issues, and often incorporates green themes into her racing, such as placing recycled bins at the track and selling t-shirts made with recycled materials.

Leilani recently took the time to record a PSA on the oil spill in the Gulf Coast. Sure hope her influence helps prevent a catastrophe like this again.

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