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Morrissey “Interview Magazine” Article Criticizes Damien Hirst

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, March 18th, 2010 in Artists, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Los Premios MTV 2009 - Show

Morrissey isn’t into the artworks of Damien Hirst, and he let Interview Magazine know it.

Hirst is famous for using dead animals preserved in formaldehyde for his…masterpieces.

Yeah, it all sounds so breathtaking.

Morrissey had nothing but good things to say about Hirst, including the fact that Hirst should have his head “kept in a bag” for the way he uses dead animals.

According to Contact Music, Morrissey said, “I dislike the ‘use’ of animals in art, such as in the work of Damien Hirst… Dead butterflies, cows, horses, humans, sheep and sharks – it reads like the inventory of a funerary Noah. How many halved calves suspended in formaldehyde does the world need? To my way of thinking, none.”

Hirst should leave the preserving to Smuckers, right?

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Paul McCartney Supports Israel Fur Ban

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, March 18th, 2010 in Fur, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

67th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals

Paul McCartney is voicing his support for a fur ban in Israel.

A bill proposed by the animal rights group Let The Animals Live, is asking Israel to be the first country to ban the sale, import and export of any kind of fur.

“I, along with members of my family, have been long-standing opponents of the commercial fur trade,” Paul said. “The reason for this is simple — fur is cruel and unnecessary . . . To skin an animal alive — as many are — for a product nobody needs is beyond comprehension.”

“By banning such a cruel industry, Israel would provide a shining example in care and compassion that others would be sure to follow,” he added.

PETA took a poll with the International Anti-Fur Coalition and found that almost 80% of Israelis disagreed with wearing fur for fashion.

However, Heeb magazine has offered its satirical take on this.

The website features pictures of Jewish men wearing fur hats with captions such as “Nothing is more comfortable than wearing my fur hat in Jerusalem. In summer” and “An animal may have died, but my giant head feels super holy as well as “This thick layer of animal hair protects the deep Talmudic thoughts in my brain.”

Heeb questions whether Hasidic Jews are ready to give up their fur hats.

As long as there is faux…it can happen!

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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, March 11th, 2010 in Birthdays, Female Singers, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

EMA 2009  Free your Mind Award Presentation - Arrivals

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities.

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Someone at L Magazine swears by the seitan Moby was at New York restaurant Angelica Kitchen recently.

In between vegan snacks, the musician took to his blog to announce his return to NYC and write about his upcoming book, Gristle.

The book is a collection of writings by various  experts in their respective  fields on effects of meat production on animals, workers in the industry, human health and the environment.

“I’ll be travelling around promoting a bit. and, of course, neither Miyun or I are making a penny from the book, with all proceeds going to animal organizations.”

Hope Oprah adds this to her book club.

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Dave Navarro PETA “Ink Not Mink” Ad

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010 in Fashion, Fur, Male Musicians.

Dave Navarro

Dave Navarro

Tattooed Dave Navarro is giving an almost full frontal view of his body to promote the cause of saving animals from the fashion industry.

Back in his earlier rocker days, Navarro wore what he calls “over the top outfits” that contained fur.

These days, he’s happy with his own skin decorations.

“Some of the simple things you can do to help save animals is not buy fur, stay away from products that have been animal tested,” he told PETA. “It’s really very, very simple to just support something or buy something that doesn’t brutalize animals like this.”

Navarro scores another point for the gentlemen in the category of sexy PETA ads.

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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 in Actresses, Birthdays, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

11th Annual Warner Brothers And InStyle Golden Globe After-Party

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities.

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Christofer Ingle of Never Shout Never told Artists Direct how the song “Jane Doe” from the band’s latest album, What Is Love was created.

“I was actually sitting in a Santa Monica restaurant, eating with one of my buddies. There was this beautiful waitress, and I didn’t know her name but she served me an awesome veggie burger. I was like, “I’m going to write her a song, I’m going to go back and play it for her and I’m going to win her heart.” So I went back to my beach house and then started writing this crazy song about a girl named “Jane Doe” because I didn’t know the waitress’s name yet. I never ended up playing it for her though. It was really sad that I chickened out.”

Sad that Christofer didn’t get the girl, but at least he got a good meal.

Was the waitress really that hot or did the veggie burger serve as an aphrodisiac?

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“Jack’s Mannequin” Andrew McMahon Not Veggie Anymore

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, February 26th, 2010 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Andrew McMahon Visits fuse TV's "Distortion"

Andrew McMahon, musician for the bands Something’s Corporate and Jack’s Mannequin, tried going veg on his last tour, but that lasted as long as a one hit wonder.

From The Phillyist:

We understand that you went vegetarian on that tour, so we have to ask: Did you have trouble resisting the urge to head to Jim’s for a greasy, diet-busting cheesesteak?

“I guess I break all sorts of promises in Philly. Haha. I’m definitely not a veggie anymore, though I do lean that direction. [But] I’ve never been a red meat dude, so cheesesteaks aren’t really my thing, as sacrilegious as that is to admit to a local.”

Vegetarian Star would love to say what happens in Philly stays in Philly, but unfortunately, it gets published on blogs that like to talk about musicians that give into greasesteaks when no one is looking.

Luckily, Andrew’s flexitarian ways that bend him more towards vegetarianism save him from being completely ribbed.

Andrew and the rest of Jack’s Mannequin will be performing at the Electric Factory in Philly. Tickets are sold out, but if you offer someone in the city a great tasting faux cheesesteak, you might score yourself a seat.

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