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Rip Esselstyn was a guest on CBS This Morning to discuss the benefits of a vegan diet and his latest book, My Beef with Meat.

Many have heard of the firefighter’s famous story of turning his entire station vegan, insisting they eat what he calls “plant-strong.”

The author who described this transformation in The Engine 2 Diet discussed with hosts the benefits of plant-based eating on human health and the planet.

When he discusses issues like heart disease and cholesterol, Esselstyn insists he’s not trying to scare anyone. He simply wants to educate.


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Meatless Mouthful–Mark Bittman Won The Vegan Game

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, July 29th, 2013 in Authors, Food & Drink, Meatless Mouthful.

Mark Bittman

“I would say the whole thing was far easier than I thought it would be. It was a game at first, and maybe that was a good thing – ‘can I do this?’ Well, yes, I could and now that it’s been six years, it’s obviously sustainable.”

Mark Bittman, on the vegan game he learned to master and become a champion at. His hall of fame titles include several plant-based recipes and an entire book devoted to the flexitarian plan he invented, VB6: Eat Vegan Before Six.

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Mary McCartney Shares Food Favorites And Tips

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, July 15th, 2013 in Authors, Food & Drink.

Mary McCartney

Mary McCartney has a not so vegetarian earlier memory of eating snails in France with the family.

Thankfully, that moment was replaced by many more with her mother in the kitchen preparing plant-based meals like vegetable soup.

“I’d watch her make a cream of tomato soup, when the tomatoes were at their plumpest,” she told The Independent.

“She’d add onions and mushrooms and blend them all together into this gorgeous hearty soup. I can still remember the beautiful smells.”


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Daphne Oz

Daphne Oz

Rice and veggies is so traditionally vegetarian, you may wonder why there’s even a need to develop a recipe for it.

After all, that’s there to follow about three or four of your favorite vegetables thrown over a bed of boiled or steamed rice?

But there are dozens of combinations of vegetables, each giving the dish a distinctive flavor.

Green plants like broccoli often dominate the dish, but here’s a version from Daphne Oz that adds a little more kick to plain brown rice with onions and celery.


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Terry Hope Romero Potato Chickpea Enchiladas (Videos)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, June 27th, 2013 in Authors, Chefs, Food & Drink, Recipes, Videos.

Looking to make great Latin American food sin carne?

Look no further than to Terry Hope Romero, author of several vegan cookbooks including Vegan Eats World and Viva Vegan that focus on Latin cooking without meat, eggs, and dairy.

“When I became vegetarian my parents were not into it,” said Romero, whose parents are Venezuelan. “They felt the way most parents of Latina vegans feel, thinking that I was going to get sick or even die. It comes from a loving place of course.”


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Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Mark Bittman was a guest on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to discuss his latest book, VB6: Eat Vegan Before Six, and his self-made flexitarian eating plan behind the book’s guidelines.

Eating vegan or almost vegan isn’t just a matter of taste or preference, according to Bittman.

It’s what nature intended us to do.


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Michael Pollan "Cooked"

“To cook or not to cook thus becomes a consequential question. Though I realize that is putting the matter a bit too bluntly. Cooking means different things at different times to different people; seldom is it an all-or-nothing proposition. Yet even to cook a few more nights a week than you already do, or to devote a Sunday to making a few meals for the week, or perhaps to try every now and again to make something you only ever expected to buy — even these modest acts will constitute a kind of a vote.”

Michael Pollan, from his latest book Cooked: A DIY Manifesto, where the flexitarian ally and advocate of less processed food explores the art of a skill that allows us to vote for whole foods and quality ingredients at the local supermarket.

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Dan and Annie Shannon, authors of Betty Goes Vegan, a cookbook that takes on several hundred classic recipes from the original Betty Crocker Cookbook, took some time to share vegan cooking secrets with Yahoo Shine!

Making Betty vegan is a lot easier than you might think.

If you want bacon taste in your salad, for example, just grab the same condiment container your meat eating friend is using.


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