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Venus Williams Serena Williams

We already know tennis champ Serena Williams likes supporting her sister Venus Williams by avoiding eating animal products when the two dine together. As part of her regime to fight an autoimmune disease, Venus adopted a vegan diet not long ago.

Now we learn the pair has given itself a nickname, “the cheagan,” or cheating vegans, because even tennis superstars succumb every now and then.

Watch an interview with Serena at CBS News for more.

Photo: emmett anderson/Creative Commons

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Arian Foster Discusses Vegan Diet To CBS News (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, September 5th, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink, Videos.

Arian Foster sat down for an interview with CBS News to discuss some highlights about his NFL career, including his recent decision to adopt a vegan diet.

“I’ve always dabbled in healthy options,” Foster said. “I just kind of felt like it was the most healthy option for me.”

In response to some of the criticism he’s received on his decision, Foster said, “I think it’s funny, like nobody cared what I was eating last year and now everybody’s interested.”

He said he feels his diet has aided him in the ability to recover from injuries.

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Chris Jericho

“When Daniel Bryan first came in a couple of years ago, you saw the evolution of the character. He came in as like the NXT nobody, then gets fired and then comes back as a nerd and as a vegan. The vegan thing came about because Vince hates vegans. Vince would say “how could you not eat steak?” He made vegan into a heel tendency. I always knew Daniel Bryan would get over because once again look at his career path. He had gotten over everywhere he had been. You can make jokes that he wrestled in a bingo hall or a gym, but getting over is getting over whether it’s in front of 200 people or 20,000 people. It’s the same principle. How do I get the crowd on my side either as a heel or a babyface?”

Chris Jericho, professional Canadian wrestler on the success of Daniel Bryan and the wrestling industry’s trend in relying on newbie wrestlers vs. older and more established ones to fuel a fan following.

Babyfaces always steal the show. Vegan babyface make the crowd come back for more.

Photo: Simon/Creative Commons

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Jon Fitch

Jon Fitch can be added to the list of mostly vegetarian celebrities who’ve been mislead about the health benefits of adding meat to your diet.

The MMA fighter stated he has started to occasionally add animal products because it’s difficult to gain weight without them.

“I found out that going 100% vegan was good for me, but I was losing too much weight,” Fitch told Bloody Elbow. “I was at 183 pounds, walk-around weight, and that’s just too light for me. I don’t have enough mass.”


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Venus Williams Serves Vegan Goodies At EleVen Clothing Party

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, August 13th, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Fashion.

Venus Williams sony-ericsson-tournament-dress

Venus Williams hosted a garden party for her sportswear clothing line for men and women, EleVen.

The Wall Street Journal reports there were vegan protein bars and other animal-free treats served at the event, including refreshments from the company she is a franchise owner of, Jamba Juice.


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Hope Solo

“The meals children eat at school … are often high in saturated fat and lacking in fruits and vegetables. You can’t make it to the Olympics without making wise food choices.”

Hope Solo, in a letter to Congress back in 2010, urging it to pass the Healthy School Meals Act. Solo helped the U.S. Women’s Soccer team bring home a Gold this year at the London Olympic games.

Photo: Ampatent/Creative Commons

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Arian Foster

He’s already told us he knows what he’s doing. MMA fighters agree. Now Houston Texans dietitian Roberta Anding is giving her input on Arian Foster‘s vegan diet decision.

“Arian has been one of these guys I call a seeker, looking for optimum nutrition and variety,” Anding said. “In my working with him, he has been open to a lot of strategies to get him where he needs to be, not only as a professional football player but, more importantly, as an adult man who has a child and a wife. That’s the new NFL player. I don’t think Arian is unique.”


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Mike Tyson Orders Vegan Cookies–Where To Get Yours

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, August 9th, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink.

Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson was reported to have been giving into his sweet tooth recently.

The New York Daily News‘ Gatecrasher says he was, “ordering assorted cookies at the Vegan Divas patisserie on the upper East Side over the weekend.”

It’s more proof that vegans eat just like everyone else and there’s more to their dessert than fruit cups.


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