Quantcast Vegetarian StarShaun Monson

Earthlings has inspired many to go vegetarian and rethink their ideas about animals being used for human convenience. The director of the film, Shaun Monson, attended the World Fest 2010, an Earth Day festival in Los Angeles, California where he was briefly interviewed on vegetarianism, myths about protein and more.

Monson also touches on how humans have empathy for some creatures, like other humans and pets, but not farm animals.

“I suspect that if we view any expression of life with apathy that will mirror itself in humanity,” Monson says and cites a quote from Leo Tolstoy that says, “As long as their are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields,” tying the link between killing animals and aggressive and general malcontent humans have towards other humans.

Meat affects on health, and more, this guy doesn’t miss a beat!

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Persia White “Earthlings”–How It All Vegan

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, December 11th, 2009 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

Discovery Channel's Animal Planet Show "Whale Wars" Event

Persia White co-produced the Joaquin Phoenix narrated Earthlings, a film about the use of animals by humans for food, fashion and entertainment.

Seems natural for a vegetarian gal like Persia to have such passion for a project, and Persia explained to Beauty Interviews how she joined forces with director Shaun Monson and Phoenix help create an award winning film.

“I met Shaun Monson the director and he was trying to put together Earthlings as project of passion. I was already involved in animal welfare. Getting involved in Earthlings was pretty intense because there were still a lot of things I didn’t know. To raise compassion and awareness is so necessary. The documentary is not just about animals it’s about how we treat each other as well. How we have empathy for the weak and we don’t abuse it. It exposes the truth. It is a very difficult film to get into mainstream because there are so many corporations that will hurt if their secrets revealed.”

“It was very difficult. Joaquin Phoenix is a wonderful actor, and like myself, a vegan. However, Joaquin is booked and away so much. He’s schedule was intense. But we did it. The music was donated by Moby.”

Thank goodness Moby‘s music was used versus Phoenix’s rap tracks.

Learn what Persia does to keep her skin clear and healthy (hint: it’s all in the diet) at beautyinterviews.com.

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