Quantcast Vegetarian StarBrendan Brazier (4)

Y-3 - Front Row - Spring 09 MBFW

She may eat veggie burgers from time to time ever since Sandra Oh took the Grey’s Anatomy cast and crew to lunch at Truly Vegan, but Ellen Pompeo insists she’s never becoming vegetarian. And we think the excuse is just plain tipesh.

Pompeo recently told People magazine, “I tried, but I get too skinny, and people think I’m anorexic. It just doesn’t suit my body type.”

“I’m naturally a waif,” she said.

She added that she works out extensively with a trainer three days a week to build muscle.

Ellen, Ellen, Ellen! You’ve been reading the wrong bodybuilding magazines.

We’re betting Brendan Brazier and his peeps at Vega would beg to differ and offer Ellen a nice collection of vegan protein powders and other supplements necessary to be a beefcake without the beef.

At least Ellen loads up on fruits and vegetables and avoid sugars and white flour.

via Fitsugar.com

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Vega training: part one of four from Brendan Brazier on Vimeo.

Brendan Brazier is a vegan Ironman triathlete who invented the Vega nutrition and energy products-completely plant based items that he started making as young as 15 years of age.

He met up with cartoonist and fellow vegan Dan Piraro one day who revealed that when he’s stuck in a creative rut, it helps to go on a long bike ride to get the ideas flowing again.

Brazier receives similar mental charges after running.

“I find it is really helpful when I go for a run,” he said. “I wrote most of The Thrive Diet while I was running. All of the ideas and the thoughts would seem to organize themselves, and when I got home, I would write them down.”

A component of his new book, Thrive Fitness: Mental and Physical Strength for Life, is teaching how exercises like “biking, hiking, in-line skating, rowing, running, speed skating, swimming, and brisk walking” fuel your right brain and release your creativity side.

Take a look at the video Brazier filmed about Vega. You’ll find it comforting to know he eats his own products, chowing down on an energy bar.

Now if you’ll excuse us, we need to go on a hike before posting again.

via Straight.com

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