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Scott Jurek

“I run hundred-mile races. I eat only plants and vegetables. Each of those sentences might shock some people. Read together, they might shock a whole lot of people.”

Scott Jurek, in a column at the Huffington Post. What’s even more “shocking” is this ultra marathoner’s former eating habits, as he claims his nickname “Grill Master” wasn’t given to him for smoking veggies.

Photo: Christophe Vatinel/Creative Commons

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Scott Jurek sat down for an interview with Portland’s AM Northwest to discuss his journey from a meat and potatoes Midwesterner to vegan ultra runner.

His mother’s diagnosis with Multiple Schlerosis forced him to take charge of the cooking decisions at home at the age of 10, but it wasn’t until later that he discovered the benefits of a vegetarian, then vegan diet on his performance.

Hear him discuss the excitement of both his diet and racing career.

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Timothy Bradley

Timothy Bradley came out a champion at the welterweight competition at MGM Grand in Las Vegas this weekend.

Bradley beat Manny Pacquiao, an undefeated fighter since 2005, who was favored to win the match.

But even though he’s defeated legends like Oscar de la Hoya, Pacquiao was no match for superstars like tofu, beans and grains, as Bradley fought that day on an entirely plant-based diet plan he created specifically to prepare him for competition.


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Timothy Bradley

Another flexitarian diet has emerged, this one invented by boxer Timothy Bradley.

Bradley goes “vegan for 3 1/2 months” before every fight, a practice he’s been doing for several years.

“It’s been four years since I’ve been doing it this way,” Bradley said. “I just feel so much better. Cleaner, mental clarity. You see the physique. I don’t lose any muscle. I’m a lean, mean, fighting machine.”


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Rich Roll Finding Ultra

Rich Roll used his “midlife crisis” of obesity and fatigue as motivation to turn into a triathlete and ultra-marathoner who is healthier than most half his age. The vegan athlete, who was named one of 2009 Men’s Fitness “25 Fittest Men in the World,” has published a new book, Finding Ultra, that traces his steps to better health through a plant-based diet after the age of 40.

Roll spoke with CNN where he gave advice on what others can take from the book as they too approach half a century.


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Daniel Bryan On Gardening And Asparagus (The Dog)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, June 7th, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink, Gardening.

Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan gave an interview to CT.com on his birthday earlier this week. He had a hotel room full of vegan cupcakes but those aren’t the only treats he likes to consume. Bryan has a green thumb and a garden at the home he owns in Washigton state. If only he could live there sometime and actually get to plant what he eats.

Fruits, vegetables, stuff like that,” Bryan said. “I like growing stuff I can eat. To me, that’s a big thing. I own a house in Washington state and I have raspberries, I have a big apple tree, I have strawberries. I don’t get to plant stuff there because I’m never there. I really enjoy that sort of thing.”


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Mike Zygomanis Sets Vegan Example For Marlies Teammates

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, June 6th, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink.

Mike Zygomanis Toronto Maple Leafs headshots 2011-2012

Mike Zygomanis has just been called the “unofficial nutritionist to his fast-food-eating teammates” by the National Post.

The Toronto Marlies’ ice hockey centre started phasing animal products out of his diet five years ago, beginning with red meat, then moving on with other meats and dairy products.

He might be a rarity in the world of ice hockey, but Zygomanis has plenty of rebuttals when faced with a snicker from a sports enthusiasts on why he packs tofu and not turkey sandwiches.

“It’s a stigma, I guess, when you’re a vegan and guys kind of label you,” Zigomanis said. “Hockey’s a big, macho sport. And when people think of vegans … what do you think of when you think of vegans? You tell me.”


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Scott Jurek

Scott Jurek has named some essential foods every runner should consume on a regular basis.

Legumes and tempeh are obvious protein source for vegans like Jurek, but some athletes–or even moderately active vegetarians-may not have considered one soy-based condiment as a substitute for salt.


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