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Garrett Weber-Gale represents the US Swimming Team at the London Olympic Games.

A near vegetarian, Weber-Gale blogs regularly at Athletic Foodie and has uploaded numerous videos of himself demonstrating cooking techniques or discussing food-related topics.

Tomato sauce sounds like a pretty simple task, yet most people may not know the right combinations of spices and vegetables it takes to make a homemade creation that tastes better than what comes from the jar.


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Montell Owens interviewed with ActionNewsJack on his vegan diet.

The Jacksonville Jaguars’ running back is an ambassador for the vegan supplement brand Vega, a company created by vegan triathlete Brendon Brazier. Owens was inspired to go vegan after being introduced to one of Brazier’s books, Thrive, by his wife.

“The first couple of weeks, it was tough. There were some cravings. Your body’s detoxing. It’s used to eating things that are processed, unnatural or that have a lot of harmful by-products,” Owens said.

“Brendan exposed all of what I was lacking in my diet. Obviously I want a competitive advantage. Not only in life, but on the football field,” he continued.

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Kara Lang

Kara Lang had the honor of being the youngest woman ever to be named for Canada’s National Soccer team, scored 34 goals in 92 games in her international career, played in two World Cups and represented Canada at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.

Now retired, she’s started a new career as a soccer analyst for the London 2012 Olympic Games.

A vegan since a teenager, she’s prepared all her essential on-the-road eating staples, like instant oatmeal and protein powders, and it’s certain her diet will give her as much energy as a broadcaster as it did on the field.


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Olympic Athletes Following Plant-Based Diets

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, July 26th, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink.

Garrett Weber-Gale

Fox News simply puts one of them in the category of “9 Athletes on Weird Diets,” but you may be pleasantly surprised to hear there are several potential Olympian champions who follow a vegetarian or mostly plant-based diet.

Gulf News profiles several Olympic athletes and their food regimes. Those who power up with plants include USA Swimmer Garrett Weber-Gale and USA Marathon Runner Michael Arstein.


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George Brett PETA Ad On Dangers Of Pets In Hot Cars

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, July 25th, 2012 in Animal Issues, Athletes-Games-Sports.

George Brett

If you think driving in your used, held together by duct tape on some parts car is uncomfortable to drive without air conditioning, just imagine what it’s like for those who can’t sweat.

Baseball Hall of Fame star George Brett is posing in an ad for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals to remind pet owners never to leave a dog in a parked (or even idling) car during the summer’s heat.

“Summer is here and family activities are in full swing. Make sure that your entire home team is protected from the heat,” says Brett in the video.


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Montell Owens Named Ambassador For Vega Vegan Supplements

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, July 24th, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink.

Montell Owens

Montell Owens of the Jacksonville Jaguars has been named ambassador for Vega, a line of vegan protein powders, nutrition bars and other supplements created by vegan triathlete Brendan Brazier.

Owens was inspired by his wife’s vegetarianism. She introduced him to Brazier’s best-selling book, Thrive. He later realized that Vega products would be the perfect supplement to his plant-based training diet.


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Natalie Coughlin Shares Olympic Fitness Routine

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, July 24th, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink.


Natalie Coughlin has already shared how she’s putting the right ingredients into her body to snag a Gold Medal at this year’s Olympic Games.

The flexitarian who grows her own vegetables is now revealing some of her fitness secrets to the New York Daily News.


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Michael Vick Wants Another Dog

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, July 20th, 2012 in Animal Issues, Athletes-Games-Sports.

Michael Vick

Michael Vick, NFL player convicted for his involvement with dog-fighting activities, has expressed an interest in owning another dog. Now that his parole has come to an end, he could be eligible to do so.

“I would love to get another dog in the future. I think it would be a big step for me in the rehabilitation process,” Vick told NBC Nightly News. “I think just to have a pet in my household and to show people that I genuinely care, and my love and my passion for animals; I think it would be outstanding. If I ever have the opportunity again I will never take it for granted. I miss having a dog right now. I wish I could.”

Two different perspectives on Vick’s possible new dog ownership were expresed by animal rights groups People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and the Humane Society of the United States.


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