Quantcast Vegetarian StarJon Stewart Signs Off From “The Daily Show” Leaving His Mark On Food, Animals And The Earth

The Daily Show Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart‘s final episode of The Daily Show aired this week, marking 15 years of comedy and satire that occasionally was more informative than traditional news.

The topics of improving America’s diets, animal welfare and the earth have all been big topics in recent years and Stewart never failed to put a witty spin on these issues during his tenure.

He poked fun of big farms and the regulations that aim to improve them. He covered whistle blowers in the animal rights community with funny but informative skits. He invited noted animal researcher Jane Goodall to discuss protection of endangered species.

He gave insight into America’s tables by inviting First Lady Michelle Obama to discuss the garden at the White House, an initiative that has not been taken by former First Ladies or Presidents in decades. He spoke with Jamie Oliver on his campaign to improve school lunches.

But while he was happy to discuss the addition of fresh produce on the plate from the backyard, he was equally excited to make fun of big brother watching every meal we engage in. Such was the case of him mocking a soda ban by Mayor Bloomberg of NYC. Government can do some good by watching over our food though, as Stewart praised it for passing legislation to prevent food borne illnesses.

Stewart shares his home with over a dozen rescued animals, including dogs, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, fish and a parrot.

He and his wife have also purchased farmland where they plan to invite more animals to live.



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