Quantcast Vegetarian StarEllen DeGeneres PETA Woman Of The Year

Ellen DeGeneres PETA Woman Of The Year

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 30th, 2009 in TV Hosts.

23rd Annual Genesis Awards - Press Room

2009 must be the year for vegan Ellen DeGeneres because she’s already nabbed 2 Best of Veggie Awards and it’s not even New Year’s Eve yet.

Her recent commitment to veganism pushed her into the Top 10 Veg Stories of the Decade by VegNews.

Now, Ellen has been named Woman of the Year by PETA.

“She made vegan pizza with Chef Wolfgang Puck, spoke with Dr. Neal Barnard about the health benefits of a vegan diet, and just in time for Thanksgiving, “talked turkey” about the everyday abuse of animals on factory farms with Jonathan Safran Foer, author of Eating Animals. Ellen also created pages on her Web site that feature insight, info, and tips about cruelty-free living. Visitors can find recipes, read about why Ellen went vegan, learn where to shop, and more.”

Let’s not forgot she shared her personal chef, Roberto Martin, on national television as he taught her fans to cook vegan pot pie and roast, hosted fellow veg Pamela Anderson to discuss the launch of her eco friendly perfume and received an award from the Humane Society of the United States.

What’s on Ellen’s goals for 2010 and the next decade?

Hopefully, getting Simon Cowell and the other American Idol judges to eat vegan tacos every week.

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