Quantcast Vegetarian StarParis Hilton’s Joke Vegetarian Birthday?

Paris Hilton’s Joke Vegetarian Birthday?

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 18th, 2009 in Actresses, Flexitarian.

William Rast - Front Row - Fall 09 MBFW

Paris Hilton is known for many things, but being vegetarian is not one of them.

However, USA Today printed an article recently wishing her a Happy Birthday, and the article said Paris was a vegetarian.

We guess along with pescetarian and flexitarian, there are now beef and pork slider vegetarians, as that’s what she was seen eating not along ago.

Either vegetarians are becoming more like some churches, changing the rules faster than lightening in order to attract and retain more members or someone picked up some incorrect information.

We suspiciously think there was some Clint Eastwood vegan urban legendness to this mistake.

The website, ParisHiltonZone.com, claims that Paris became vegetarian after watching a video on animal cruelty provided to her by Heather Mills.

“From that point I’ve never worn fur and I never will.”I also haven’t eaten any meat since. I just survive on pasta and stuff like that. I was grossed out. It was disgusting.”

Maybe Paris was a veg at one time, however short lived. Or maybe she’s a flexitarian?

Giving credit where it’s due, mom Kathy Hilton did buy Paris a faux fur for Christmas instead of the real thing, so maybe Paris at least isn’t down with wearing something that came from one of her chihuahua Tinkerbell’s cousins.

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